DigestiveSystem - it is an organ system that breaks down and absorbs nutrients that the body can use as energy
MechanicalPhase - refers to breaking down of food which starts from the mouth that involves pushing of food down to esophagus to be mixed with digestive juices.
- refers to further breakdown of
food that can pass through
the plasma membrane which
requires the act of digestive
enzymes within the mouth, stomach, pancreas and
- it transports chewed food (bolus) and liquid from mouth to stomach that
is made by wave-like contraction (peristalsis)
Amylase - digests starch to maltose
Trypsin - digests proteins to peptides
Lipase - digests fats to glycerol and fatty acids.
Gallbladder - it acts as storehouse for bile
food is taken into the mouth, a process called ingestion
ingested food is broken down into smaller components in a
process called digestion
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids are digested into
their building blocks for easier absorption which is the third stage
undigested materials make their way out of the digestive tract called elimination
peristalsis - wave-like contraction
Small Intestine: It has three (3) section: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.