Cards (369)

  • Before the printed word, the written word was prevalent. Yet, the intent to carry information has always been present.
  • Word
    A combination of sounds that represents something
  • Words
    They transmit a message
  • Words are "informed"

    They carry "information"
  • For the ancient Greeks, language was an object worthy of admiration. Words have power.
  • Thinking in terms of a common system being generated by the speaker and received by the listener is useful in the pursuit of knowledge
  • Science, from the Latin word scire (meaning to know), is one kind of knowledge the Greeks wanted to understand
  • Words can function across space and time without reducing their meaning
  • Meta phusis
    Literally meaning "after nature"
  • Plato's principle of "One and the Many"

    The underlying unity among diverse beings in the natural world
  • Timeline of the Information Age
    • 3000 BC: Sumerians writing systems used pictographs to represent words
    • 2900 BC: Beginnings of Egyptians hieroglyphics writing
    • 1300 BC: Tortoise shell and oracle bone writing were used
    • 500 BC: Papyrus roll was used
    • 220BC: Chinese small seal writing was developed
    • 100 AD: Book (parchment codex)
    • 105 AD: Woodblock printing and paper was invented by the Chinese
    • 1455: Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press using movable metal type
    • 1755: Samuel Johnson's dictionary standardized English spelling
    • 1802: The library of Congress was established, Invention of the carbon arc lamp
    • 1842: Research on persistence of vision published
    • 1830s: First viable design for a digital computer, Augusta Lady Byron writes the world's first computer program
    • 1837: Invention of the telegraph in Great Britain and the United States
    • 1861: Motion pictures were projected onto a screen
    • 1876: Dewey Decimal system was introduced
    • 1899: First magnetic recordings were released
    • 1902: Motion picture special effects were used
    • 1906: Lee DeForest invented the electronic amplifying tube (triode)
    • 1923: Television camera tube was invented by Zvorkyn
    • 1926: First practical sound movie
    • 1939: Regular scheduled television broadcasting began in the US
    • 1940s: Beginnings of information science as a discipline
    • 1945: Vannevar Bush foresaw the invention of hypertext
    • 1946: ENIAC computer was developed
    • 1948: Birth of the field-of-information theory proposed by Claude E. Shannon
    • 1957: Planar transistor was developed by Jean Hoerni
    • 1958: First integrated circuit
    • 1960s: Library of Congress developed LC MARC (machine-readable code)
    • 1969: UNIX operating system was developed, which could handle multitasking
    • 1971: Intel introduced the microprocessor chip
    • 1972: Optical laserdisc was developed by Philips and MCA
    • 1974: MCA and Philips agreed on a standard videodisc encoding format
    • 1975: Altair Microcomputer Kit was released: first personal computer for the public
    • 1977: RadioShack introduced the first complete personal computer
    • 1984: Apple Macintosh computer was introduce
    • Mid 1980s: Artificial intelligence was separated from information science
    • 1987: Hypercard was developed by Bill Atkinson recipe box metaphor
    • 1991: Four hundred fifty complete works of literature on one CD-ROM was released
    • January 1997: RSA (encryption and network security software) Internet security code cracked for a 48-bit number
  • You are what you eat and so is your brain. Do not draw conclusions unless all ideas and information are presented to you.
  • Computer
    An electronic device that stores and processes data (information). It runs on a program that contains the exact, step-by-step directions to solve a problem.
  • Types of Computer
    • Personal computer (PC)
    • Desktop Computer
    • Laptops
    • Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs)
    • Server
    • Mainframes
    • Wearable Computers
  • Claude E. Shannon, an American Mathematician who was considered as the "Father of Information Theory", proposed that information can be quantitatively encoded as a sequence of ones and zeroes.
  • Internet
    A worldwide system of interconnected networks that facilitate data transmission among innumerable computers
  • The Internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense. In case of an attack, military advisers suggested the advantage of being able to operate on one computer from another terminal.
  • The Internet remained under government control until 1984.
  • Companies whose businesses are built on digitized information have become valuable and powerful in a relatively short period of time; the current Information Age has spawned its own breed of wealthy influential brokers, from Microsoft's Bill Gates to Apple's Steve Jobs to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.
  • Substitution cipher
    A method of encrypting a message in which the letters of a plaintext are replaced with different ones in a systematic manner
  • This technique, also called Caesar cipher, was used by Julius Caesar in his private correspondences
  • Science
    Systematic study of the nature and manners of an object and the natural universe that is established around measurement, experiment, observation and formulation of laws
  • Major branches of science
    • Mathematics and logic
    • Biological science
    • Physical science
    • Social science
  • Mathematics and logic
    • Deals with abstract concepts
    • Goes hand in hand as both are needed in relation to finding out how social sciences and natural sciences work
    • Needed in forming laws, theories and hypothesis
    • Scientists need this branch to come to a conclusion
  • Biological science
    • Deals with the study of living things
    • Divided into different sub topics like Zoology, Botany, Ecology, Paleontology
  • Zoology
    Category under biology that focuses on the study of animal life, including evolution, classification, structure and habits, embryology
  • Botany
    The scientific study of plants and their life cycle, including diseases, reproduction, growth, chemical properties, structure and relationship
  • Ecology
    Deals with the study of the environment and its relationship to living organisms
  • Paleontology
    Deals with the study of prehistoric era, including fossils and the history of mankind and life on earth
  • Social science
    • The study of the society and man's relationship to it, including Anthropology, Economics, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology
  • Anthropology
    The study of human behavior and human development that considers cultural, social and physical aspects
  • Economics
    The science that studies goods and services, how they are being manufactured, distributed and consumed
  • Sociology
    The study of human society, more concerned in group activities and urban studies
  • Philosophy
    The pursuit of knowledge by means of moral, intellectual and self-discipline
  • Psychology
    The study of human behavior according to its principles
  • Physical science

    • Includes Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy
  • Astronomy
    The study of the heavenly bodies, like the stars, galaxies, comets and planets
  • Chemistry
    The study of different substances, the changes they undergo and their compositions, including organic and inorganic chemistry
  • Physics
    The study of matter
  • Geology
    The study of the physical property and composition of the earth