cell division is divided into interphase (functioning and preparing to divide) and M phase (mitosis and cytokinesis)
Gap 1 - normalcell growth and functions
S phase
Synthesis of DNA
G2 phase
Gap 2 - rapidcellgrowth, and preparation for mitosis
M phase
mitosis and cytokinesis
DNA is less tightly packed during interphase to allow RNA transcription and DNA replication
Prophase: chromosomescondense, spindleappearsoutsidenucleus, nuclear envelopebegins to fragment. Chromosomes attachtospindlemicrotubules via their kinetochores
Metaphase: chromosomes line up at the equator, attached to oppositepoles
Anaphase: chromatidsseparate to form 2 daughter chromosomes, each is pulled towards pole
Telophase: daughterchromosomes arrive at poles and decondense, new nuclear envelopeassembles
Cytokinesis: cytoplasmisdividedinto2 by a contractilering, pinching the cell in 2