1. Fastidious, aerobic bacteria that do not grow on SBA (sheep blood agar) and require L-cysteine for growth
2. Acid treatment of specimen before inoculation to dilute microbial inhibitors such as complement antibodies and antimicrobial agents
3. BCYE (buffered charcoal yeast extract) Agar with L-cysteine is best for Legionella isolation
4. Colonies appear grayish-white or blue-green, convex, and glistening, measuring approx. 2 – 4 mm in diameter
5. Central portion of young colonies has a "ground-glass" appearance, light gray and granular
6. Periphery has pink or light blue or bottle green bands with a furrowed appearance
7. Incubate at 35° C in air; increased CO2 can enhance the growth of some of the more fastidious species
8. Selective BCYE agar contains polymyxin B, anisomysin, and either vancomycin or cefamandole