L21 Diabetes

Cards (36)

  • Diabetes Mellitus
    Thomas Willis (1621-1675) in Oxford noted the sweet taste of urine, which he suggested came from the blood - doctors had to subsequently resort to tasting the urine of patients for sweetness in order to detect the disease
  • Diabetes Mellitus
    In 1766 Mathew Dobson proved that the sweet taste of diabetic urine was due to sugar. He made the crucial observation of the excess of sugar in blood
  • Experiment on a diabetic dog
    1. The dog's blood sugar rose
    2. It became thirsty, drank lots of water, and urinated more often
    3. It became weaker and weaker
    4. A pancreatic extract was injected into the diabetic dog
    5. Its blood glucose level dropped, and it seemed healthier and stronger
    6. By giving the diabetic dog a few injections a day, Banting and Best could keep it healthy and free of symptoms
  • Pancreas
    Both an exocrine & endocrine gland
  • Exocrine pancreas

    • ~99% of pancreatic mass
    • Secretes into duct
    • Empties directly into duodenum or via common bile duct
    • 2.5 L/day
  • Endocrine pancreas
    • ~1% of pancreatic mass
    • Islets of Langerhans: α cells (68%): insulin, β cells (20%): glucagon, δ cells (10%): somatostatin, PP cells (2%): VIP
  • Insulin release
    1. Increased uptake of glucose by β-cells, via insulin-independent transport protein GLUT-2
    2. Immediate release of insulin from stores
    3. Also provoked by amino acids, intestinal hormones, sulphonylureas
    4. Increased synthesis of insulin
    5. Stimulates extra GLUT-4 on cell membrane-insulin-dependent glucose transporter
  • Type I Diabetes
    Insulin Deficiency, Absolute Lack
  • Type II Diabetes
    Insulin Resistance, Relative Lack
  • Disturbed Glucose Homeostasis
  • Diabetes Diagnosis
    • Measure sugar, measure sugar attached to Hb
    • Insulin and c-peptide levels. Levels of these will be low or normal with type 1 diabetes but high with type 2 diabetes
    • Antibody levels. People with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes will often have high levels of antibodies against certain proteins found in the pancreas
  • Type I Diabetes Presentation
    • Often young and slim, presents acutely
    • Silent (asymptomatic) discovery - Diagnosed before onset of symptoms
    • Presents with polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, hyperglycaemia & ketonaemia, ketonuria
    • Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) - Second most common presentation - Polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, etc + fruity breath, neurological symptoms, vomiting
    • Hypoglycaemia (when treated) - Drug insulin-induced
  • Type II Diabetes Presentation
    • Often older and obese, Usually presents insidiously
    • Polyuria, polydipsia
    • May be diagnosed as part of a check-up or with chronic complications
    • Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state - Prolonged hyperglycaemic diuresis leads to severe dehydration & coma - Residual insulin prevents lipolysis & ketoacidosis - Insidious onset often leads to delayed treatment - Higher mortality rate than DKA
    • Hypoglycaemia (when treated) - Drug insulin-induced, Metformin, sulfonylurea, acarbose, glitazone
  • Diabetes is a significant cause of mortality
  • Causes of mortality in 2015
    • 5.0 million from diabetes
    • 1.5 million from HIV/AIDS
    • 1.5 million from tuberculosis
    • 0.6 million from malaria
  • Diabetes caused 1,910,364 total deaths in the Western Pacific Region in 2015
  • Differences between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
    • Differ in inheritance, pathogenesis, insulin response, but share long-term complications
  • Vascular complications of diabetes
    • Macrovascular: Atherosclerosis- promotion, younger, females, mortality from MI and CVA higher, metabolic syndrome
    • Peripheral vascular disease- ulcers, gangrene
    • Microvascular Disease- capillary basement membrane thickening, glycation of proteins, platelet aggregation, & impaired fibrinolysis: Nephropathy, Retinopathy, Neuropathy
  • Obesity leads to chronic inflammation
  • Non-Enzymatic Glycation
    • Attachment of glucose to amino groups of proteins is non-degradable
    • Degree related to hyperglycaemia
    • Glycated haemoglobin HbA1C: measure of diabetic control
    • Advanced glycation end products (AGE) bind to a particular receptor- and can affect properties of proteins (Vessels= AGE receptor= RAGE)
  • Effects of AGEs
    • Release of cytokines and growth factors , including transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), which leads to deposition of excess basement membrane material, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), implicated in diabetic retinopathy
    • Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in endothelial cells
    • Increased procoagulant activity of endothelial cells and macrophages
    • Enhanced proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and synthesis of extracellular matrix
    • In addition to receptor-mediated effects, AGEs can directly cross-link extracellular matrix proteins
  • Activation of Protein Kinase C (PKC)
    1. Calcium enters the cell when glucose and insulin bind
    2. This triggers the PKC pathway- signal transduction cascades: VEGF is produced (stimulates new blood vessels), Vasodilator NO reduced, TGF-beta stimulated to induce extra matrix and basement membrane material to be laid down, Reduced fibrinolysis, More pro-inflammatory cytokines, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and activation of the renin-angiotensin system may be induced by the same pathway
    3. Ruboxistaurin- PKC inhibitor- Good, so far for retinopathy and nephropathy
    4. And Bevacizumab as an anti-VEGF
  • Disturbance of polyol pathway
    1. Nerves, lenses, kidney, blood vessels- non-insulin dependant
    2. Increased intracellular glucose -> glucose metabolized to sorbitol and fructose: Osmotic stress, Decreased NADPH and antioxidant ability- susceptible to oxidative damage, Nerves 'glucose neurotoxicity'
  • Diabetic Nephropathy
    • Common site for complications-one of leading causes of renal failure
    • 30% of type I diabetics
    • 20% of deaths in diabetics < 40 yr
    • Several anatomical compartments of the kidney involved
    • Several mechanisms involved
  • Hypertension

    • Accelerates atherosclerosis
    • Accelerates hyaline arteriolosclerosis
    • Diabetes accelerates atherosclerosis and hypertension
  • Macrovascular changes in diabetic nephropathy
    • Accelerated atherosclerosis - stroke, MI, gangrene of lower limbs
    • Hyaline arteriolosclerosis - Associated with hypertension, it is worse in diabetics - Hyaline thickened arterioles- narrowing the lumen
  • Microvascular changes in diabetic nephropathy
    • Diabetic microangiopathy - Thickening of basement membranes of arterioles and capillaries: which are also more leaky - Leads to ischaemia - Accumulation of type IV collagen - Nephropathy, neuropathy
  • Diabetic Nephropathy
    • Big vessel disease from atherosclerosis at the renal artery ostium, L>R
    • Nodular glomerulosclerosis- Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules
    • Nodular and diffuse glomerulosclerosis
    • Hyaline arteriolosclerosis- Glassy pink homogenous thickening of the vessel walls, Intimal and medial thickening, Results in luminal narrowing, and ischaemia
  • Tubular changes in diabetic nephropathy
    • Wipeout!
  • Infectious problems in diabetes
    • All types of Urinary tract infections are more frequent
    • UTI are more severe and carry worse outcomes in patients with diabetes
    • Renal abscesses occur far more frequently in diabetic patients
    • Pyelonephritis occurs more frequently in the diabetic than non-diabetic
  • Reasons for increased infections in diabetes
    • Diabetics more often have asymptomatic bacteruria (bacteria in the urine)
    • High kidney/urine glucose contents favour bacterial growth
    • Defective host innate and adaptive immunity - Hyperglycaemia causes neutrophils dysfunction by increasing intracellular calcium levels and interfering with actin and thus diapedesis and phagocytosis, Blood vessels don't dilate well allowing for immune cell influx
    • Autonomic neuropathy leads to incomplete bladder emptying- thus the flushing mechanism is lost and bacteria keep growing
  • Infectious complications in diabetic nephropathy
    • Acute pyelonephritis
    • Papillary Necrosis- One special pattern of acute pyelonephritis, necrotizing papillitis (or papillary necrosis), is much more prevalent in diabetics than in nondiabetics
    • Chronic pyelonephritis
  • Drug Induced Nephropathy

    • Penicillins, diuretics, NSAIDS, etc
    • Type I (IgE) or IV (T-cell) mediated hypersensitivity
    • Tubulointerstitial nephritis
  • Types of diabetic neuropathy
    • Symmetrical peripheral neuropathy - Sensorimotor problems contribute to tissue damage especially in feet, 50% have clinical symptoms after 25 yrs, Sensory axons are more severely affected than motor axons, resulting in a clinical presentation dominated by paresthesias and numbness. Features of both axonal and demyelinating injury
    • Autonomic neuropathy - Bladder problems, infection, kidney infection
    • Lumbosacral radiculopathy (diabetic amyotrophy) - Usually manifests with asymmetric pain, numbness, weakness, and muscle atrophy that typically starts in one lower extremity and may spread to the other
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
    • Fourth commonest cause of blindness
    • Retinopathy: capillary changes, BM changes, microaneurysms, haemorrhage, nonperfusion, new vessels
    • Cataracts: AGE role
    • Glaucoma: elevated intraocular pressure - nerve damage
  • The better the glucose control, the better the outcome, probably for the small vessel disease at least, but the effect on large vessel disease is unclear