Cards (3)

  • Twin Studies:
    • Because monozygotic twins are genetically identical, it is logical to examine whether their offending behaviour is also identical
    • Twin studies give some support to genetic explanations. Ishikawa and Raine found a higher concordance rate for identical than non-identical twins. The concordance rate measures the probability of both twins being criminals if one of them is
  • Twin Studies:
    • If genes were the only cause of criminality, identical twins would show 100% concordance, but studies only show about half or less.
    • Higher concordance rates between identical twins may be due to the same home, school etc. Their shared environment might cause similarities in their criminal behaviour, not identical genes.
  • Twin Studies:
    Limitations (2):
    • Parents treat identical twins more alike than they do non-identical twins. Also, identical twins may feel closer than non-identical twins, so one twin may be influenced but the others criminality to become criminal too. These environmental factors may produce similarities in behaviour
    • It’s impossible to isolate and measure the effect of genes separately from environmental effects.
    • In early studies, there was no way of knowing for certain if twins were in fact genetically identical, since DNA testing did not exist.