Cards (2)

  • Lombroso Atavism Theory:
    • Lombroso was the first person to study crime scientifically, using objective measurements to gather evidence. Previously crime was seen as a moral or religious issue.
    • His research showed the importance of examining clinical and historical records of criminals
    • His later work took some limited account of social and environmental factors, not just heredity
    • By arguing that offenders were not freely choosing to commit crime, Lombroso helps us to focus on how we might prevent further offending rather than simply punishing offenders.
  • Lombroso Atavism Theory:
    • Research since Lombroso has failed to show a link between facial features and criminality.
    • Lombroso failed to compare his findings on prisoners with a control group of non-criminals. Had he done so he may have found the same characteristics among the general population. In which case, his explanation would be invalid
    • By describing criminals as like ‘primitive savages’, Lombroso equates non-western societies with criminals. This is a form of racism.