Cards (3)

  • Sheldon Somatotype:
    • Other studies have replicated Sheldon’s findings. Glueck and Glueck found that 60% of the offenders in their study were mesomorphs.
    • The most serious delinquents in Sheldon’s sample were the ones with the most extremely mesomorphic body shapes.
  • Sheldon Somatotypes:
    • Glueck and Glueck found that criminality was best explained not by biology alone, but by a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors.
    • Criminals may develop mesomorphic build as a result of needing to be physically tough to succeed. If so, criminality causes somatotype rather than somatotype causes criminality.
    • Social class may be the true cause if offending and mesomorphy. Convicted offenders are mainly working-class males, who are more likely to be in manual jobs where they acquire an athletic build
  • Sheldon Somatotypes:
    Limitations (2):
    • Labelling may play a part. Mesomorphs may be labelled as troublemakers because they fit the ‘tough guy’ stereotype, resulting in self-fulfilling prophecy. Or they may attract more police attention and get caught more than other stereotypes.
    • Sheldon doesn't account for those endomorphs and ectomorphs who do commit crimes. Nor does he explains whether mesomorphs commit crimes other than violence.