palisade mesophyll cells

Cards (3)

  • Palisade mesophyll cells in leaf
    • cylindrical shape, arranged at right angles to the upper epidermis, features to optimise photosynthesis
    • have features to optimise trapping of sunlight and uptake of carbon dioxide to make glucose
  • photosynthesis
    6CO2 + 6H2O - C6H1206 + 6O2
  • Features of palisade mesophyll for photosynthesis
    • cells elongated, cylindrical, many closely packed together to increase SA, absorb as much light as possible
    • many chloroplasts, contain chlorophyll, to trap sunlight
    • chloroplasts moved by cytoskeleton, which protects them from sun
    • large permanent vacuole pushes chloroplasts to outer edge of cell, increases light energy, reduces diffusion distance for CO2
    • thin, transparent cellulose cell walls so easy gas diffusion