Cards (15)

  • what is consent a defence for
    may be a defence to non-fatal offences against the person
    However its never a defence for murder or serious injury cases
  • what is lawful consent
    its a valid defence to assault and battery but its not a defence to ABH,GBH or wounding unless fits within a recognised exception.
  • why is consent not technically a defence

    as where the other person consents theres no offence
  • real consent
    there must be true consent. Fraud as to the nature and quality of the act can negate consent
  • case for real consent
    - D persuaded women to allow him to measure his breasts
    - she said she only consented to D if he had medical qualifications
    - The CA approved the trial which said 'consent in such cases doesnt exist at all, because the act consented to is not the act done
  • submission isnt the same thing as consent- CASE
    - when D tried to have sex with her she submitted
    - The CA held there was a difference between real consent and mere submision ( it was for jury to decide if consent was real )
  • consent gained by fraud CASE
    D found guilty of tricking female friend into having sex with her by pretending to be a man
  • where D knows have HIV or STD consent must be informed
    Dica and Konzani
  • Golding
    includes sexually transmitted herpes
  • define express consent
    these are situations where we explicitly asked verbally or in writing before a procedure that would otherwise be an assault ( e.g ear piercing, surgery or dental treatment )
  • implied consent
    consent to minor touching. it is possible to impliedly consent to minor batteries through situations e.g where people inevitably come into contact such as football matches or concerts )
    Wilson v Pringle
  • general rule - intentional injury
    where an injury is caused intentionally, consent isn't a defence unless the situation falls into one of the public policy exceptions to this rule
  • exceptions ( only explain where they come up in scenario ) ( sugery,tattoo,boxing,rugby)

    Surgery- many types of surgery require that a wound be inflicted so the patient can consent to this level of injury as its for their benefit

    Tattooing and piercing - adults can consent to tattoos and piercing, and also branding like in wilson

    rugby - Billinghurst where Ds actions of punching an opponent had gone beyond what was consented to

    boxing - public boxing matches can be consented to. Illegal bare knuckle prize fights cannot like in Coney. a general fight cabt be consented to even where both parties agree ( AG ref no6 of 1980 )
  • explain exception of sports
    - can consent to injuries sustained in the game
    - R v barnes outlines courts reluctance to impose liability during contact games if force is reasonable in situation
    - criminal prosecutions will be limited to grave situations
    - type of sport, level, nature of act and degree of force and exteng of injury and state of mind will all be considered before action is brought
  • explain exception of sexual acts
    sexual acts resulting in injury can be consented to ( slingsby ) but sadomasochistic acts that cause injury cannot be , like in brown.
    However in wilson it was said branding a buttock was no different to tattooing so could be consented to