
Cards (3)

  • Liberal Feminists
    Nobody benefits from gender inequality, but the education system socializes children into gender roles. They believe that changes should take place within existing structures, eg through the law.
  • Radical Feminists

    See society as ruled by men (patriarchy), who view women as subject to their laws and social norms. They view education as a tool that perpetuates these differences through the strict enforcement of gender roles. Some radical feminists believe in the superiority of women, and suggest an overthrow of the current system.
  • Marxist Feminists
    Marxist feminists see capitalism as the main source of female oppression, not patriarchy. The purpose of the education system is to create an obedient and pliant workforce, where women are seen as free labor (caring for men, raising a family, and helping to produce a future workforce that serves capitalism). Gender equality will only occur after the economic redistribution of wealth, eg revolution.