REST security

Cards (10)

  • Security covers transmission (HTTPS), Access control, SSL(secure socket layer) and TLS(Transport layer security)
  • Authentication = who has access
  • Authorisation = what should x person be allowed to do
  • Ways to authorise over HTTPS: Basic: send encoded (not encrypted as https) credentials everytime. Non Pre-emptive: send only when needed/requested. Digest: send encrypted everytime
  • Realm = subset of domain
  • BASIC: authentication happens via header, encoded in Base64
  • DIGEST: 'encrypts' username and password. Sends out a call to sever, the 401 return of which contains information that is hashed in MD5 in combination with the credentials, the hash of which is then checked once its sent
  • SQL injections go brr
  • Risks: tampering, spoofing/identity theft. Consider likelihood x severity
  • websockets also take path params