
Cards (10)

  • Baddeley (1966) Aim

    Investigate coding of STM and LTM
  • 75 participants were randomly allocated to 4 groups and asked to recall one of 4 word lists, repeated 4 times
  • Word lists
    • List A: Acoustically similar words
    • List B: Acoustically dissimilar words
    • List C: Semantically similar words
    • List D: Semantically dissimilar words
  • Each of these words was only 1 syllable to prevent word difficulty from affecting the outcomes
  • To test coding in the STM
    Participants were given a list containing the same words as earlier but in the wrong order, and were asked to rearrange them in the correct order
  • To test coding in LTM
    Participants performed an unrelated task for 20 minutes to prevent rehearsal, then were asked to recall the words
  • For STM
    Participants given list A had the worst recall of only 10% compared to participants given the other lists (around 60-80%)
  • This suggested that participants confused similar sounding words, leading Baddeley to conclude that STM is coded acoustically
  • For LTM
    Participants with list C had recall of only 55% compared to those with other lists (70-80%)
  • This suggested they confused similar meaning words, which led to the conclusion that information in the LTM is stored semantically