Cognitive approach

Cards (9)

  • assumptions
    -internal mental processes (private operations of the mind such as perception and attention that mediate between stimulus and response) should be studied.
    • study memory, perception and thinking
    • private and can’t be observed so study them indirectly by making inferences about what’s going on inside peoples mind
  • Schema
    = mental framework of beliefs and expectations that influence cognitive processing. Developed from experience
  • Role of schema
    Packages of ideas and information developed through experience, act as a mental framework for the interpretation of incoming information received by the cognitive system
    • learned through experience so helps you respond to something appropriately
    • babies born with simple motor schema for innate behaviour such as sucking and grasping
    • as we get older our schema becomes more detailed and sophisticated, adults have developed mental representations for everything
    • enable us to process information quickly and acts as a mental shortcut
  • Theoretical and computer models
    Cognitive psychologists use both theoretical and computer models
    • information processing approach= suggests information flows through the cognitive system in a sequence of stages- input, storage and retrieval
    • based on the way computers function
  • Emerge of cognitive neuroscience
    = study of the influence of brain structures on mental processes. Mapping areas of the brain to specific cognitive functions.
    • advances in technology fMRI and PET scans= can systematically observe and describe neurological basis of mental processes. Eg: Tulving- show different types of LTM may be located on opposite sides of the prefrontal cortex
  • Evaluation- scientific methods
    = objective scientific methods
    • highly controlled and rigorous methods of study so researchers can infer cognitive processes at work.
    • use of lab studies to produce reliable and objective data.
    • cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience can merge together
  • Evaluation-counterpoint
    Relies on inference of mental processes rather than direct observation of behaviour (too abstract)
    • artificial stimuli may not represent everyday experience
    • lack external validity
  • Evaluation- real world application
    Contributions in field of artificial intelligence and development of thinking machines
    • applied to treatment of depression and improved reliability of eyewitness testimony
  • Evaluation- machine reductionism
    Machine reductionism ignores the influence of human emotion and motivation on the cognitive system and may affect our ability to process information
    • research has found that human memory may be affected by emotional factors like influence of anxiety on EWT.