Cards (15)

  • Stateless - does not remember between one call and the next (have to auth every time)
  • HTML does not require closing tags on all tags
  • XML must have all tags closed
  • XML: start with version statement. Case sensitive. Follow nesting rules. Must have one root element
  • schema - xml doc describing another xml doc, eg. type restrictions on variables
  • Markup: representing how content will be represented (eg. latex)
  • XML issues: often unreadable esp when autogenerated
  • XML is computationally expensive. Is also DRY - (don't repeat yourself) having to open and then close at the end is kinda repeating yourself
  • JSON - javascript object notation
  • YAML: relies on indenting, no brackets
  • XML does not have arrays, so have to fake a list
  • Polling: periodically querying the state of something
  • WebSockets: a protocol for bi-directional, real-time communication between a client and a server over a single, long-lived connection
  • WS: request to switch protocol from HTTP to websocket
  • Session = connection using websockets. Servers usually track all current sessions