constraints on the President

Cards (10)

  • what does a president require to successfully pass legislation in Congress and when has this not been achieved?
    • support in congress
    • 2012 Sandy Hook elementary shooting -> Obama wanted to pass gun control legislation and the majority of the public supported this but Congress rejected it
  • when is amending, delaying or rejecting the president's legislation less effective?
    during a unified government
    • Obama could pass legislation easily during 2009-10 (affordable care act)
  • why is it difficult for congress to override a presidential veto?
    they need a 2/3 majority in both chambers
  • what does having the 'power of the purse' mean?
    congress has to pass the federal budget and therefore fund the federal government
  • what happens when congress cannot agree on the funding for the federal government?
    government shutdown
  • how many appointments must be confirmed by senate?
    more than 1000
  • what does the senate confirmation of presidential appointments encourage the president to do?
    • make appointments carefully
  • what is judicial review?
    the process of by which the judiciary examines the actions of the executive branch to check that they are lawful - if they are not then SCOTUS declares them unconstitutional
  • what is judicial philosophy?
    the balance of the SCOTUS is determined by how many of its justices are liberal and how many of them are conservative
  • in relation to judicial philosophy, when are presidents more likely to receive favourable rulings?
    when the majority of SCOTUS judges share their ideology