evolutionary theory

Cards (19)

  • Darwin's theory of evolution , natural selection
    animals should evolve physical & behavioural characteristics that allow them to perform in competition with their rivals , increases their chance of survival
  • Darwin's theory of evolution, sexual selection
    traits could evolve because they were attractive to the opposite sex or increase chances of winning a mate, will lead to survival of their genes due to increased reproductive success
  • Darwin's theory of evolution, reproductive success
    number of offspring produced
  • 2 process in sexual selection
    intersexual and intrasexual selection
  • intersexual selection 

    mate choice, members of one biological sex choose mates of the the other sex, these mate choice preferences cause preferred characterises to survive, as these genes are passed on
  • intrasexual selection 

    competition, when members of the same sex, within a species, compete with each other to order to gain opportunities to mate with others
  • evolutionary theory of sexual selection
    purpose of attraction is to maximise the chance of passing on genes , so people are attracted to those that will increase their reproductive success. theory predicts a sex difference in mate choice preference and choosiness, as males and females have different biology and therefore had very different strategies for increasing their reproductive success back in EEA
  • biological differences
    evolution psychologists argue that men and women will different partner preferences due to biological due to biological differences
  • biological differences examples
    males = large number of sperm and fertile everyday from puberty to death vs females = produce inly a few eggs and only fertile for 72 hours a month from puberty to menopause
  • male optimum strategy for reproductive success
    attracted to females who
    are physically attractive
    have symmetrical faces
    are curvy, thin waist = not already pregnant and big buttocks = fat reserves
    are young = fertile

    choosiness = males will be promiscuous
    as there is a low cost of making a bad choice of mate , have plenty more sperm & opportunities to mate again
  • female optimum strategy for reproductive success 

    look for
    resource to look after herself and child
    ambition = will work hard to improve level of resources
    older men = more time to gather resources
    intelligent men = increased chance of finding resources
    choosiness , will be choosy as costs of bad choices are high, due o limited opportunities to reproduce & the greater amount of investment in each child
  • supporting evidence of gender differences in mate choice
    37 cultures , 9ooo + participants completed questionnaire
    asked ps for desired characteristics in a partner
    f valued earning potential
    m valued physical attributes
  • weakness of buss
    fails to distinguish between long term and short term preferences
    studies show people have differences pretences for brief sexual encounter compared with looking for a long term partner
    Kenrick's found that men were not worried about a females intelligence for a one night stand but intelligence was important for marriage
    findidngs were same for females , so findings may not be valid in all situations
  • Evidence for men being more promiscuous than women 

    Clack and Hatfield
    college students were approached by a stranger and asked
    -would you go on a date with me
    -would you go back to my apartment —would you sleep with me
    results = sleep with them , m =75% , f=0%
  • Reductionist
    Complex social behaviour of male choice is reduced to a reproductive strategy
    life is simplified to the spreading of genes
    focuses on nature, de-emphasising the role of nurture = biological reductionism
    doesn’t take cultural influences into account
    doesnt consider individual differnces in partner choices
  • deterministic
    if our genes determine our mate choice then it means we would have little to no choice over the matter = biological determinism
    can be socially sensitive, used as an excuse for poor behaviour such as cheating or rape
  • intrasexual selection 

    competition within a sex
    males have to compete with each other as females are choosy, therefore females become a limited resource for which males must compete
  • sperm competition
    in animals such as chimpanzees many males mate with each female, o a female may have the sperm of several males within their reproductive tract
    so males have had to adapt to increase the number of sperm in each ejaculation in order to compete with rival sperm
  • sperm competition , ao3
    evidence = testes size
    larger testes suggest more sperm so more competition
    testes of humans are larger than gorillas , who live in single male harems, but smaller than chimpanzees, many males mate with same female.