important definition and terms

Cards (184)

  • Acculturation
    The level of integration with and adoption of the cultural beliefs and behaviors by members of one cultural group living among members of another cultural group
  • ADLs
    Activities of daily living
  • Adrenarche
    Adrenocortical maturation, which occurs during puberty
  • Adventitious breath sounds
    Abnormal breath sounds heard during auscultation of the lung fields; may include rales (crackles), rhonchi (wheezes), or pleural friction rubs
  • Alopecia
    Hair loss
  • AMB
    As manifested by
  • Anatomic snuff box
    Triangular, depressed area on the dorsal radial side of the hand that lies over the scaphoid and trapezium carpal bones. The name comes from the practice of using this hollowed area to hold and sniff tobacco. This may be a tender point with scaphoid fractures of the hand.
  • Anorexia
    Loss of appetite for food
  • Anthropometer
    A type of caliper used for measuring elbow breadth and other body parts
  • Anthropometric measurements

    Measurements of the human body (e.g., height and weight, head circumference, waistline, percentage of body fat, and so forth)
  • Anticholinergic effects

    Responses to anticholinergic medications, which inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system; in older adults, symptoms are associated with increased or decreased heart rate (depending on dosage), constipation, urinary retention, dilated pupils and vision problems, dry mouth, and drowsiness
  • Anxiety
    Apprehensiveness related to an unknown source; occurs in different degrees
  • Apical impulse
    A normal visible pulsation in the area of the mid-clavicular line in the left fifth intercostal space; impulse can be seen in about half of the adult population
  • Apnea
    Cessation of breathing
  • Argyll Robertson pupils

    Small, irregular pupils unresponsive to light
  • Arthritis
    Inflammation of a joint
  • Articulation
    Place of union or junction between two or more bones of the skeleton
  • Atelectasis
    Collapse of a lung
  • Atrial gallop
    Low-frequency heart sound known as S4; occurs at the end of diastole when the atria contract; produced by vibrations from blood flowing rapidly into the ventricles after atrial contraction; S4 has the rhythm of the word "Ten-nes-see" and may increase during inspiration
  • Auscultation
    Assessment technique that uses a stethoscope to hear body sounds inaudible to the naked ear (e.g., heart sounds, movement of blood through the vessels, bowel sounds, and air moving through the respiratory tract)
  • BCP
    Birth control pills
  • Benign breast disease
    Nonmalignant disease of the breast, such as fibrocystic breast disease
  • Biologic variation
    Changes in physical status as a result of genetics and/or environment and/or the interaction of genetics and environment; human variation of a biologic and physiologic nature
  • Biot's respiration
    Breathing pattern marked by several short breaths followed by long, irregular periods of apnea; may be seen with increased intracranial pressure (IICP) or head trauma
  • Bipolar disorder
    Mood disorder categorized as a psychosis and characterized by emotional ups and downs ranging from extreme depression to extreme elation
  • BP
    Blood pressure
  • Bradycardia
    Heart rate <60 beats per minute
  • Bradypnea
    Slow breathing pattern <10 breaths per minute
  • Braxton Hicks contractions
    Painless, irregular contractions of the uterus
  • Brudzinski's sign
    Flexion of the hips and knees in response to neck flexion; a sign of meningeal inflammation
  • Bruit
    Abnormal sound; blowing, swishing, or murmuring sound caused by turbulent blood flow; heard during auscultation
  • Bruxism
    Grinding the teeth
  • Buerger's disease
    Obliterative vascular disease marked by inflammation in small- and medium-sized blood vessels
  • Bursa
    Small sac filled with synovial fluid that lubricates and cushions a joint
  • Calcium
    Chemical element (Ca++) that is a major component of bone structure and a necessary element for muscle contractions
  • Capillary refill time
    Time it takes for reperfusion to occur after circulation has been stopped; test for capillary refill involves pressing on a fingernail firmly enough to stop circulation to the digit (signaled by blanching of the underlying tissue), releasing the pressure, and measuring the time it takes for color to return to the tissue; test is used to assess cardiac output
  • Cardiac conduction
    Process of excitation initiated in the sinoatrial (SA) node, resulting in contraction of the heart muscle
  • Cardiac cycle

    Cyclic filling and emptying of the heart
  • Carotid artery
    Major coronary vessel that transports blood from the heart to the rest of the body
  • Cataract
    Loss of transparency, or cloudiness, in the crystalline lens of the eye