Pupil Subcultures

Cards (13)

  • A S
    Pupil Subcultures
  • Education-Topic 2
    Class dif
  • How subcultures develop
    1. Bategorie Differentiation
    2. Polarisation pupils responding to categories
    3. moving to one of two poles- pro vs anti
  • Pro-school subculture
    • high streams, mostly mic, remain committed to school vales and gain academic success
  • Anti-school subculture
    • low streams (wic), Find alternative status through truanting, not completing homework and create a self-Fulfilling prophecy of Failure
  • Ly Hargreaves-secondary modem: 'streams, labels delinquent subculture leading to guaranteed foulure'
  • Pupil responses vary
    • ingratiation
    • ritualism
    • retreatism
    • rebellion
  • Pupil responses vary with teacher/lesson
  • Labelling
    too deterministic - ignores free will
  • Labelling
    Marxists claim it ignores wider societal structure causing labels/teachers work for capitalism
  • Abolishing streaming!
  • Ball: study on comprehensive school abolishing streaming

    The influence of subcultures decreased
  • Teachers still label and categorise students