Pupils class identities & the school

Cards (6)

  • Habitus:
    Bourdieu: dispositions/ways of thinking shared by a social class- although one isn’t better than another, m/c impose habitus on education = advantage.
  • Symbolic capital vs violence:
    As m/c habitus is favoured, they gain capital, while w/c gain violence - devalued and clash between w/c and school.
    • Archer: w/c have to change to succeed.
  • Class identity & exclusion
    w/c who don’t go to uni is a result of self-exclusion.
    • Evans: 21 w/c girls from south london reluctant to apply to oxbridge in fear of not fitting in - Bourdieu links to habitus.
    • Evan’s also found attachment to locality - 4/21 moved away.
    • w/c forced to choose identity OR success.
  • Nike Identities
    w/c symbolic violence leads to find alternative ways of self worth. Branded clothes - clash with school.
    • Archer: school m/c habitus stigmatises w/c identity.
    • Nike identity = m/c rejection and w/c self-exclusion.
  • W/c identity & educational success:
    Ingram: 2 groups of w/c catholic boys from deprived areas of Belfast: grammar school vs state school
    • W/c identity difficult to seperate from w/c locality.
    • Grammar school boys ridiculed on non-uniform days - forced to abandon identity for success.
  • Internal & External link:
    Poverty (ext) can lead to bullying and stigma (int) which can lead to truancy and failure.
    Both internal & external linked - not just one.