Material deprivation & class

Cards (4)

  • Palmer (2012)

    Minority ethnic groups are more likely to experience material deprivation:
    • Almost 50% live in low income households
    • They’re 2x more likely to be unemployed than white
    • They’re 3x more likely to be homeless than white
    • Almost 50% Bangladeshi & Pakistani workers earn <£7 compared to 25% white-british workers.
  • several reasons why some minority ethnic groups are at greater risk of material deprivation from unemployment, low pay and overcrowding:
    • Many live in areas of low wages and high unemployment.
    • Traditional muslim women can’t work outside of the home.
    • Lack of language and foreign qualifications.
    • Asylum seekers may not be allowed to work.
    • Racial discrimination in the labour and housing market.
  • Reasons for material dep reflected
    Reflected in proportions or each ethnicity eligible for FSM.
    However, Indian pupils are the most likely to attend private school, and their achievements are typically above average.
  • Class vs Ethnicity
    Indian & Chinese pupils are MD but still do better than most.
    • 86% FSM chinese girls achieved 5 or more high grade GCSEs compared to 65% white girls not on FSM.
    Modood: while children from low income did less well, the effects of low income were less for ethnic minorities than white pupils.