
Cards (9)

  • What are the behavioural characteristics of phobias?
    -Avoidance: physically adapting behaviour to avoid phobic objects
    -Panic: an uncontrollable physical response
    -Failure to Funtction:
  • What are Emotional Characteristics of Phobias?
    Anxiety and Fear (emotional response is unreasonable)
  • What are Cognitive Characteristics of Phobias?
    -Irrational thoughts: exaggerated belief in the phobic object leading to...
    -Reduced cognitive capacity due to attentional focus on a phobic object
  • What are Behavioural Characteristic of Depression?
    -Reduction in activity level
    -Changes in eating behaviour
  • What is an Emotional Characteristic of Depression?
  • What is a Cognitive Characteristic of Depression?
    -Poor concentration
    -Negative schemas
  • What is a Behavioural Characteristic of OCD?
    -Compulsions: behaviours performed repeatedly to reduce anxiety
  • What is an Emotional Characteristic of OCD?
  • What is Cognitive Characteristic of OCD?
    -Obsessions: intrusive, irrational, recurrent thoughts leading to be unpleasant
    -Hypervigilance: A permanent state of alertness