Transport in animals

Cards (31)

  • effect of nicotine on the heart
    increase stickiness of platelets
    thrombosis causes the release of adrenaline
    this restricts the arterioles which restricts further blood flow to the body
  • effect of CO on the body
    combines permanently with haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin
    reduces the bloods carrying capacity for oxygen
    heart rate increases to pump more blood around the body to equivalate to the same amount of oxygen delivery
    damages the endothelium of blood vessels
    causing atherosclerosis which increases cardiovascular disease risk
  • open circulatory system
    haemolymph is pumped directly into haemocoel
    not contained in vessels
    low pressure
  • closed system
    blood contained in vessels
    gases and small molecules leave by diffusion
    oxygen transported as oxyhaemoglobin
  • arteries
    thicker walls of smooth muscle -> contract and dilate to control blood pressure
    elastic layer -> stretch and recoil
    collagen -> structural support under high pressure to maintain shape and volume
  • arteriole
    smooth muscle -> thicker than arteries as it has to greatly restrict flow into the capillaries
    elastic fibers -> higher in arteries to lower the pressure
    thinner collagen layer as it is under lower pressure than arteries
  • capillaries
    no smooth muscle, elastic fibers, or collagen
    one red blood cell thick
    short diffusion distance
    small -> form a network to increase surface area
  • venules
    thin smooth muscle -> under low pressure
    no elastic fibers or collagen
  • tissue fluid
    high hydrostatic pressure at the arteriole end
    forces water and small molecules out of the capillaries
    proteins remain in the capillaries as they are too large to cross the membrane
    these decrease water potential and increase oncotic pressure
    water moves in by osmosis as a result
    after water equilibrium is achieved the remaining water gets absorbed by the lymph nodes and drained into the lymphatic system
  • structure of the heart
    supplied with blood from the coronary arteries
    surrounded by a pericardial membrane that prevents it from filling with blood
  • why is the left ventricle thicker
    contracts with more force at a higher pressure as blood has to reach the entire body
  • diastole
    where the atria and ventricles relax
  • atrial systole
    blood enters the atrias via the vena cava and pulmonary vein under high pressure
    the atrias contract and the atrioventricular valves open
  • ventricular systole
    as blood enters the ventricles pressure increases
    the atrioventricular valve closes
    the ventricles contract from the bottom and the semi lunar valves open forcing blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery
  • cardiac output equation
    heart rate x stroke volume
  • control of the heart cycle
    1. SAN releases a wave of depolarisation causing the atria to contract
    2. a non-conductive layer prevents the depolarisation wave from reaching the ventricles
    3. AVN releases another wave of depolarisation that is delayed that is forced down the septum and purkyne fibers causing the ventricles to contract from the bottom upwards
    4. the cells then repolarise and cardiac muscle relaxes
  • haemoglobin graph
    • oxygen binds in areas of high partial pressure of oxygen such as in the alveoli
    • it dissociates at low partial pressure of oxygen such as in respiring tissues
    • 1 molecule of oxygen is hard to bind but haemoglobin undergoes conformational change to make it easier
    • the graph levels off at the end as only 1 binding site is available giving a 1 in 4 successful chance at binding
  • bohr effect
    when in areas of high CO2 concentrations such as in respiring cells the oxyhaemoglobin curve shifts to the right decreasing the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen
  • why is it important not to let CO2 build up
    increases acidity causing the binding sites of haemoglobin to change
  • ppCO2 in the alveoli
    low in the alveoli
    curve shifts to the left
    increased affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen
    causing oxygen to bind
  • ppCO2 in respiring tissues
    high in respiring tissues
    causes curve to shift to the right
    this decreases the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen
    causing oxyhaemoglobin to dissociate
  • fetal haemoglobin graph
    curve shifts to the left
    higher affinity for oxygen
    causing oxygen to bind
  • lama haemoglobin
    live in high altitudes so they have a higher affinity
  • bird haemoglobin
    lower affinity as they have a faster metabolism for rapid muscle contraction
  • earth worm haemoglobin
    higher affinity
    little oxygen available underground
  • ways of transporting carbon dioxide
    1. haemoglobinic acid -> blood plasma
    2. carbaminohaemoglobin
    3. HCO3- in the cytoplasm of red blood cells
  • chloride shift
    H2O and CO2 combine in the blood plasma to form H+ and HCO3-
    this reaction is catalysed by carbonic anhydrase
    the HCO3- moves out of the cell making it overall acidic due to the H+ ions
    this causes Cl- to move in to equilibrate
  • differences between a closed system in fish vs mammals
    • blood only pumped through heart once
    • only a single system
  • why do large mammals need a transport system
    high metabolic demand -> larger oxygen supply
    diffusion distance too far to maintain a steep concentration gradient
    low surface area to volume ratio
    toxic waste metabolites like CO2 need to be removed from the body quickly so they don't build up
  • differences between fish and mammals
    single system vs double system
    2 chambers vs 4 chambers
    lower pressure vs maintained high pressure
    lower metabolic demand vs higher metabolic demand
  • veins
    thinner elastic layer -> no stretch and recoil
    valves -> prevent backflow of blood
    more collagen than arteries -> carry large volumes of blood