Neuronal communication

Cards (33)

  • cell body of a neuron
    contain all organelles of a normal cell
    nucleus is located here
    proteins and neurotransmitter chemicals are made here
  • dendrons of a neuron
    carry action potentials to surrounding cells
  • axon
    conductive long fiber that carriers the nervous impulse along the motor neuron
  • myelinated neuron
    schwann cells which wrap around the axon to form a myelin sheath
    it is lipid based and so is impermeable to small ions
    gaps in the myelin sheath are call the nodes of ranvier
    action potentials therefore jump between the nodes by saltatory conduction
  • why are myelinated neurons faster
    action potential is only generated at the nodes of ranvier instead of the entire length of the axon
  • sensory neuron
    carry impulses from the sensory receptor to the relay neuron
    long dendron which carries the impulse from the receptor cell to the cell body
    axon carries the impulse from the cell body to the next neuron
  • relay neuron
    multiple short axon and dendrons that look like tentacles
    carry impulses from a sensory to a motor neuron
  • motor neuron
    carry the impulse from the sensory neuron to the effector
    have one long myelinated axon and multiple short dendrons
  • sensory receptors
    they are transducers -> convert different stimuli into electrical nervous impulses
  • pacinian corpuscle
    located deep in the skin
    they contain special channel proteins known as stretch medium sodium channels
    these open and allow Na+ to enter the sensory neuron where they are stretched and deformed
    when pressure is applied it deforms the neuron plasma membrane and widening the protein channels which allows a generator potential to be established
  • resting potential
    at rest there is a difference in charge between the inside and outside of a neuron
    there are more positive ions such as Na+ and K+ outside compared to inside therefore the inside is said to be more negatively charged
    it is resting at -70 mV
  • establishing a resting potential
    maintained by a sodium-potassium pump
    it pumps 2 K+ into the neuron and 3 Na+ out of the neuron
    this creates electrochemical gradients causing K+ to diffuse out and Na+ to diffuse in
    the membrane is more permeable to K+ so more positive charge is moved out of the membrane than is diffusing in
  • action potential
    when the neurons voltage increases beyond a set point from the resting potential generating a nervous impulse
    an increase in voltage known as depolarisation is due to the membrane becoming more permeable to Na+ ions
  • threshold voltage
    -55 mV
  • action potential voltage
    +40 mV
  • refractory period voltage
    less than -70 mV
  • stimulus
    provides energy which causes the voltage-gated sodium ion channels to open
    Na+ diffuses into the neuron which causes more voltage-gated channels to open
    causing the inside of the neuron to depolarize as the charge is overall more positive
  • action potential is reached
    sodium ion voltage-gated channels close
    but the K+ stay permanently open which causes repolarization as the overall charge inside the neuron becomes more negative
    more K+ channels open causing more K+ to diffuse out which can lead to hyperpolarization where the overall charge is more negative than the resting potential
  • at each node of ranvier, once an action potential has been generated it can open the sodium ion voltage-gated channels at the next node
  • all or nothing principle
    if the depolarisation does not exceed -55 mV an action potential is not produced
    however if it does exceed it, it will always peak at the same maximum voltage of +40 mV
  • bigger stimuli increase the frequency of action potentials
  • purpose of the all or nothing principle
    any stimulus that exceeds -55 mV will always peak at the maximum voltage of +40 mV
    bigger stimuli don't give a higher voltage
    instead it is the frequency of stimuli that would increase
    this is important as it makes sure animals only respond to large enough stimuli rather than every slight change in the environment
  • refractory period
    where the membrane cannot stimulate another action potential because the sodium ion voltage-gated channels are recovering and cannot be opened
  • importance of the refractory period
    1. discrete impulses are produced -> makes sure that each action potential is seperate as they can't be generated quickly after each other
    2. action potentials travel in one direction -> ensure a response
    3. limits number of transmissions -> prevents over reaction of a stimulus
  • synapses
    gaps between the end of an axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron
  • the gap between a synapse
    synaptic cleft
  • function of a synapse - presynaptic
    an action potential arrives at the synaptic knob
    depolarisation causes the opening of Ca2+ channels where the calcium ions can diffuse into the synaptic knob
    vesicles containing acetylcholine move towards and fuse with the presynaptic membrane releasing acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft
  • function of a synapse - postsynaptic
    neurotransmitters diffuse down a concentration gradient across the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic membrane
    they bind to complementary receptors there which causes Na+ ion channels to open and allowing sodium ions to diffuse into the postsynaptic membrane
    if this reaches above the -55 mV threshold then depolarization will occur and an action potential will be generated
    the neurotransmitters broken down by acetylcholinesterase and the Na+ channels close
  • unidirectional synapse
    vesicles containing neurotransmitters only on the presynaptic neuron
    receptors for neurotransmitters only on the post synaptic neuron
    acetylcholinesterase present in the synaptic cleft will break down the acetylcholine to prevent another action potential from being generated
  • summation
    rapid build up of neurotransmitters in a synapse to help generate an action potential
  • spatial summation
    many different presynaptic neurons all converging at one postsynaptic neuron
    combine the neurotransmitters they release to exceed the threshold value
  • temporal summation
    one neuron releases a neurotransmitter repeatedly over a short period of time to exceed the threshold potential value
  • inhibitory synapse
    causes chloride ions to move into the postsynaptic neuron and potassium ions to move out
    this causes hyperpolarisation making an action potential really unlikely