
Cards (39)

  • why do we have a need to respire
    cells use ATP as their main energy source
    respiration transfers energy stored in organic molecules to ATP by phosphorylation which is then used for many cellular processes
  • what requires the energy from respiration
    • active processes -> conduction of nervous impulses
    • muscle contraction
    • anabolic processes -> protein synthesis
  • mitochondria
    • inner mitochondrial membrane space
    • outer and inner membranes
    • fluid filled matrix
    • ribosomes
    • loop of DNA
  • outer mitochondrial membranes
    contain proteins that create channel and carrier proteins
    allow molecules to move into the inter-membrane space such as pyruvate
  • inner mitochondrial membrane
    folded into cristae to increase surface area
    impermeable to small ions
    contain electron transport chains
    contains atp synthase enzymes
  • cristae
    provide a large surface area
    allow for a chemiosmotic gradient to be established
  • matrix
    link and krebs cycle
    70s ribosomes
    fluid filled
  • mitochondrial DNA
    codes for enzymes and proteins
  • glycolysis location
    aerobic process
  • stages of glycolysis
    1. glucose -> 2 hexose bisphosphate (2ATP -> 2ADP)
    2. 2 hexose bisphosphate -> 2 triose phosphate
    3. 2 triose phosphate -> 2 pyruvate (4 ATP + 2 NADH+)
  • link reaction
    only continues to link if oxygen is present
    mitochondrial matrix
    pyruvate enters by active transport which uses energy in the form of ATP
  • link reaction stages
    1. decarboxylation of pyruvate -> acetate + CO2 + NADH+
    2. acetate + coenzyme A -> acetyl CoA
    3. net: 2 NADH+ and 2 CO2 per glucose molecule
  • krebs cycle
    occurs twice per glucose molecule
    mitochondrial matrix
  • krebs cycle stages
    1. acetyl CoA + oxaloacetate -> citrate
    2. citrate enters the krebs cycle
    3. citrate -> oxaloacetate (which is regenerated)
  • net krebs cycle per molecule of glucose
    2 ATP
    6 NADH+
    4 FADH+
    4 CO2
  • how is atp formed in the krebs cycle
    substrate level phosphorylation
    Pi + ADP -> ATP
    catalysed by kinases and phosphorylases
  • importance of co enzymes made in the krebs cycle
    collect hydrogen atoms to provide a source of electrons and hydrogen ions in the electron transport chain to produce as many ATP molecules as possible
  • importance of decarb and dehydrogenation in the krebs cycle
    regenerate oxaloacetate so it can re-bind with a new molecule of acetyl CoA
    removal of hydrogen atoms accepted by NAD and FAD
  • importance of substrate level phosphorylation
    quicker source of ATP
    free energy required is provided by the chemical energy released when a higher energy substrate is converted into a lower energy product
  • importance of NAD as a coenzyme
    hydrogen acceptor and carrier
    reduced in all but glycolysis
    increased efficiency of dehydrogenase enzymes
  • FAD importance
    hydrogen carrier
    reduced in krebs only
  • CoA importance
    carries an acetyl group from the links to krebs
  • oxidative phosphorylation
    cristae membrane
  • chemiosmotic theory

    NADH and FADH release hydrogen atoms
    these dissociate into H+ and e-
    high energy electrons released energy as they move down the electron transport chain which allows hydrogen ions to be actively transported into the inter membrane space from the matrix creating an chemiosmotic gradient
    facilitative diffusion down ATP synthase channel protein generates a proton motive force which drives ADP + Pi -> ATP
  • role of oxygen
    final electron acceptor
    2 H+ + 2 e- + O2 -> H2O
  • issue with H+ build up in the IMS
    acidity increases
    ph decreases
    proteins such as ATP synthase denature
  • chemiosmotic theory definition
    diffusion of hydrogen ions across a partially permeable membrane down their electrochemical gradients
  • anaerobic in mammals
    cytoplasm of cells
    pyruvate -> lactate (NADH -> NAD)
    in the liver lactate -> pyruvate
  • net anaerobic in mammals
    loss of 4 ATP (uses 6 ATP)
  • yeast anaerobic
    pyruvate -> ethanal (CO2)
    ethanal -> ethanol (NADH -> NAD)
    NAD goes back to glycolysis
  • why lower yield in anaerobic
    net gain of 2 ATP as only in glycolysis
    whereas ETC can produce 34 ATP
  • triglyceride respiratory quotient
    glycerol -> pyruvate (enter link)
    3 fatty acids -> 50 acetyl CoA ~ 500 ATP
  • protein respiratory quotient
    amino acid -> deamination into pyruvate (uses ATP)
    ~ loose muscle mass
  • carbohydrate respiratory quotient 

  • why do lipids have the highest mean energy value
    more H atoms -> more ATP made
  • RQ equation
    CO2 produced / oxygen consumed
  • RQ values
    carb -> 0.1
    lipid -> 0.7
    protein -> 0.9
  • net ATP of NADH
  • net ATP of FADH