apply to human behaviour

Cards (3)

  • Humans are born like a blank state
    Differential Association Theory aligns with the behaviorist notion of the mind as a blank slate by proposing that individuals learn criminal behavior through observation and imitation, people develop attitudes towards crime & acquire specific criminal techniques by interacting with their family, peers, & community. These interactions, which involve both direct & indirect reinforcement, shape individuals' behaviors, with frequent and significant exposure increasing the likelihood of adopting criminal behavior
  • Behaviour is learnt through conditioning
    These principles are seen in PECS to change behaviors in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). PECS focuses on improving communication skills by using pictures instead of spoken words. It involves finding preferred items as rewards for communication attempts & teaching individuals to exchange picture cards for desired items/activities. This reinforcement-based approach helps individuals with ASD start communication independently by reinforcing desired behaviors through positive reinforcement.
  • Humans and animals learn in similar ways
    Heshmati et al. (2016) discovered a brain circuit that makes male mice want to bully others. It seems to make bullying feel rewarding for them. This study shows like in Pavlov's experiments, animals can learn behaviors like bullying. This suggests that learning principles also apply to understanding human behavior, including bullying