War of 1812 Notes

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  • What are two events that led up to the War of 1812?
    1. US shipping was being harassed and cargo was being seized
    2. Impressment of American seamen
  • What does "impressment" mean?
    British Navy kidnapped American sailors and forced them to join the British Navy
  • What did the Embargo of 1807 do?
    Halted all trade with Europe; Economic Diplomacy fails
  • Why were Northerners against the Embargo?
    It caused the economy to fail
  • Who becomes President after Thomas Jefferson? What is he known for?
    James Madison; known for the Federalist papers and the Constitution
  • What did the Non-Intercourse Act do?
    Forbade trade with France and Britain, but the President could reopen trade with either France of Britain if they lifted restrictions
  • Who are the War Hawks?
    Southern congressmen who favored war, even though it hurt the East
  • What were four potential benefits of a war with Britain?
    1. Allow reopening of trade
    2. National pride
    3. Stop impressment of sailors
    4. Canada!
  • What were two potential hazards of going to war with Britain?
    1. Britain was still a great power and America's military was small
    2. Could lose everything they gained from the American Revolution
  • Where did the War of 1812 start?
    Canada; it was invaded
  • What are three major events at the beginning of the war?
    1. US burns York (Toronto)
    2. Perry defeated the British on Lake Erie
    3. Britain blockades the Eastern Seaboard
  • What did the British do after marching to Washington D.C.?
    They burned the White House and the Capitol
  • What happens at the Battle at Fort McHenry?
    The British abandon the attack
  • Who was at this battle? What did he do?
    Francis Scott Key, who wrote "The Defense of Ft. McHenry" (the Star-Spangled Banner)
  • What was the peace treaty called?
    The Treaty of Ghent
  • What did it call for?
    No party gained or lost any territory
  • Why was it not the real end to the War?
    The issue of impressment was not addressed, and there was no instance communication to alert Americans that it was over
  • Who is in charge at New Orleans? What is his strategy?
    Andrew Jackson, his strategy is to use trench warfare
  • What are the results at New Orleans?
    British lose majorly, Andrew Jackson becomes a household name
  • What are the major results of the War of 1812?
    1. Gave the United States a national identity
    2. Creates a hero in Andrew Jackson and the Western Frontiersmen