Environmental Agency (EA) considered area west of Selsey to be area of SE England to be most at risk of flooding
Shingle Ridge beach was the only protection.
Beach Reprofiling since 1990s cost £200,000 annually ; if breached, 348 properties, water-treatment plant and main road between Chichester and Selsey would be flooded
Last breach in 2008 cost £8million damage
Managed retreat began in 2011 finished in 2014
new embankment 2km inland using local clay - enclosed future intertidal area
channel built behind embankment to collect draining water
60,000 tonnes of rock from Norway for rock armour
110m breach in shingle bank to allow sea to flood the land and create intertidal area
Positive effects: Social
1 in 1000 chance of flooding
10km footpath, 7m cycle route, 5km bridleway
Positive effects: Environmental
protect existing species, water voles, crested newts, badgers
300Ha new intertidal habitats e.g. salt marsh, mud flats
RSPB nature reserve
Positive effects: Economic
Green Tourism expected to increase
2 new car parks
4 viewing points
Holiday village numbers increase
Controversy: Economic
£28million scheme was very expensive
Controversy: Economic
£28million scheme was very expensive
3 farms growing oilseed rape, winter wheat had to be abandoned