
Cards (16)

  • Borders of the Anterior triangle of Neck?
    Sup. = Inf. border of the Mandible
    Lat. = ant. border of the sternocleidomastoid
    Med. = sagtital line down the midline
    Roof = investing fascia
    Floor = visceral fascia
  • Contents of Anterior triangle of neck?
    Suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles
    Common carotid --> ext. and int. carotid artery
    Internal Jugular vein
    CN : VII, IX, X, XI, XII
  • Borders of Carotid triangle?
    Sup. = Post. belly of digastric
    Lat. = Med. border of sternocleidomastoid
    Inf. = Sup. belly of omyhoid
  • Contents of Carotid triangle?
    Common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus and Hypoglossal nerve
  • Borders and contents of Submental triangle?
    Inf. = Hyoid bone
    Med. = Midline of neck
    Lat. = Ant. belly of digastric
    Floor = Mylohoid muscle
    Content: submental lymph nodes
  • Submandibular triangle borders and contents?
    Sup. = Body of mandible
    Ant. = Ant. belly of digastric
    Post. = Post. belly of digastric
    Contents: Submandibular gland, lymph nodes, facial artery and vein
  • Borders of Muscular triangle?
    Sup. = Hyoid bone
    Med. = Midline of neck
    Supero-Lat. = Sup. belly of omohyoid
    Infero-Lat. = Inf. portion of sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • Borders of the Posterior Triangle of Neck?
    Ant. = post. border of sternocleidomastoid
    post. = Ant. border of trapezius
    Inf. = Middle 1/3 of clavicle
    roof = Investing layer of fascia
    floor = prevertebral fascia
  • Nerves in Posterior triangle of Neck?
    Accessory nerve (superficial to triangle)
    brachial plexus ( trunks on floor)
    cervical plexus (floor, phrenic nerve goes into prevertebral fascia and down to diaphragm)
  • What is Cervical Plexus Nerve Block?
    Used for anesthesia
    injected along post. border of sternocleidomastoid, superior and middle third = is known as nerve point
  • Subdivisions of Posterior triangle?
    Occipital triangle = superior to omohyoid
    Subclavian triangle = inferior and contains distal subclavian artery
  • Parts of Hyoid bone?
    Body: central part, ant. convex and post. concave surface
    Greater horn: site of attachment of various neck muscles
    Lesser horn: styloid ligament attaches to apex
  • Muscle attachment of Hyoid bone?
    Middle pharyngeal constrictor, hyoglossus, genioglossus, Suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles.
  • Ligament attachments on Hyoid bone?
    Stylohyoid, Hyoepiglottic and Thyrohoid ligament
  • Characteristic features of cervical vertebrae?
    Transverse foramen, bifid spinous process, small body (Vertebral foramen)
  • Branches of the Internal Carotid artery?
    A) ophthalmic artery
    B) meningeal branch
    C) Vidian artery
    D) Inferior hypophyseal artery