A stranger comes in and speaks to the baby and caregiver
Caregiver leaves baby and stranger together
The caregiver returns and stranger leaves
Caregiver leaves baby alone
Stranger returns
Caregiver returns and reunites with baby
What behaviour was used to test attachment:
Exploration and secure base behaviour
Stranger anxiety
Separation anxiety
Response to reunion
What were the three types of attachment?
Secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-resistant
Secure attachment: Babies explore happily but regular go back to the caregiver. Show moderate separation distress and moderate stranger anxiety. Require and accept comfort from caregiver in reunion stage.
Insecure-avoidant attachement: Babies explore freely but do not seek proximity or secure-base behaviour. Show little to no reaction when caregiver leaves and little stranger anxiety. Make little effort to make contact when caregiver returns may avoid it.
Insecure-resistant attachment: Babies seek greater proximity than others so explore less. High levels of stranger anxiety and separation distress, resist comfort when reunited.
Evaluation: Types of attachment (strength):
Good predictive validity
Studies done show that the attachment of a baby is good way to predict development later on in life.
This shows the strange situation measures something real and meaningful.
Evaluation: Types of attachment (limitation):
Predictive validity counterpoint
It could be genetic influenced anxiety levels which account for variations in attachment.
This means that the strange situation doesn't measure attachment types but anxiety levels instead.