Freud (1909) - PHOBIAS

Cards (13)

  • background ; 1
    β†’ hysteria was a common 'illness' suffered by the woman in the 1880s
    • symptoms included ; memory loss ,, numbness ,, paralyses of the limbs & tremors
    β†’ as no medical explanation could be found ,, many doctors thought they were faking their symptoms for attention or to avoid things in their personal lives
  • background ; 2

    β†’ freud believed the women were genuine and developed a therapy called psychoanalysis
    β†’ involved focused on getting the women to remember the first time that their symtoms occured ,, whilst under hypnosis
    β†’ may have been at an upsetting time ,, so memory had been repressed
    β†’ when remembered ,, emotions it brought iwth it seems cathartic and the symptom disappeared
  • freud ; the mind

    β†’ freud believed there was 3 parts of the mind ;
    • the conscious - part we control and are aware off
    • the preconscious - just below the conscious ,, semi-aware of
    • the unconscious - unaware of
  • freud ; the personality
    β†’ ID ; the impulsive ,, most primitive part of the personality
    • doesnt know right from wrong
    • demands instant gratification
    • operates on the pleasure principle
    β†’ EGO ; develops soon after birth
    • acts as a mediator between the ID and the world
    • tries to balance conflict between the ID and the Superego
    • operates on the reality principle
    β†’ SUPEREGO ; moral/judgemental part of the personality
    • if we don't behave according to rules ,, superego punishes us with guilt and anxiety
  • psychosexual development ; 1
    β†’ 5 stages of psychosexual development ;
    • the oral stage ( BIRTH - 1 YEAR )
    • the anal stage ( 1 - 3 YEARS )
    • the phallic stage ( 3 - 5 YEARS )
    • the latency period ( 5 YEARS - PUBERTY )
    • the genital stage ( PUBERTY - DEATH)
    β†’ Old ,, Aged ,, Pensioners ,, Loves ,, Gardening
  • psychosexual stages
    β†’ ORAL ;
    • fixation on the mouth
    • important influences - breastfeeding ,, weaning onto solids
    β†’ ANAL ;
    • fixation on the anus
    • influences - potty training
    β†’ PHALLIC ;
    • fixation on the phallus
    • important influences - oepidus // elektra complex
    β†’ LATENT ;
    • little or no sexual motivation present
    β†’ GENITAL ;
    • fixation on the genitals
    • important influences - sexual relationships
  • oepidus complex (boys)
    β†’ boy starts to develop sexual desire for his mother
    β†’ boy becomes jealous of his father ,, he fears castration by his father if he finds out about his desires
    β†’ boys in a state of conflict but deals with this by identifying with his father & internalising his characteristics
    β†’ boy substitutes his desire for his mother with a desire for other women and the oepidus complex is resolved
  • elektra complex (girls)
    β†’ girl starts to develop a sexual desire for her father
    β†’ girl realises she has not penis and develops penis envy and is jealous of her mother
    β†’ the girls in a state of conflict as she realises she can have not her father or a penis and deals with this by identifying with her mother
    β†’ girl substitues her desire for a penis with a desire for a baby and her desire for her father woth a desire for other men
  • problems with the oedipus complex ;
    β†’ androcentric ; male-centred ,, only applies to MALES
    β†’ biased ; towards 'nuclear' families
    β†’ unfalsifiable ; can't be proven or disproven
  • aim ; 

    β†’ to report the findings of the treatment of a five year old boy for his phobia of horses
  • method ;

    β†’ case study ; studying one or a small group of participants thorougly.
    • carried out by his dad who was a friend and a supporter of Freud ,, who only met the boy once
    • hans' father reported to Freud VIA correspondence ,, then Freud SUBJECTIVELY INTERPRETED this information & gave directions as how to deal with situation based on his interpretations of the fathers reports
    β†’ Freud noticed that it was the special relationship between Hans and his father that allowed the analysis to progress & for discussions with boy to be so detailed & intimate
    • first reports of Hans are when he was 3
  • method ; analysis 

    β†’ STRENGTHS ;
    • produces lots of qualitative data ,, increases the validity - in depth account of behaviour
    • focusing on 1 participant ,, deeper understanding of participant ,, improves validity
    β†’ WEAKNESSES ;
    • lacks generaliseability ,, as it's often on 1 person or a small group - the results can be applied to others
    • can be very subjective due to the collection of qualitative data ,, interpreting the information gathered can be difference amongst different analysts
  • hans' dreams and fantasies ;
    β†’ giraffe dream ;
    • a big giraffe and a crumpled one. hans took the crumpled one away and the big one called out
    • FREUD'S EXPLANATION - crumpled ones the mum and big ones the dad and he's jealous of the dad
    β†’ married to his mother ;
    • hans fantasised he was married to his mum ,, had his own kids and his father had the role of grandfather
    • FREUD'S EXPLANATION - phallic stage ,, trying to get the dad out of the way
    β†’ PLUMBER ;
    • a plumber came and removed his bottom and 'widdler' and replaced them with larger ones
    • FREUD'S EXPLANATION - latency stage