Life during the Emergency

Cards (2)

  • Shortages and Rationing:
    • Ireland relied on imports of food and fuel, which became a problem when German submarines stopped all British ships leaving Britain.
    • Sean Lemass started the Irish Shipping Company, to transport goods to Ireland with 15 ships. Fuel and food remained in short supply.
    • Lemass also introduced the Compulsory Tillage Scheme, where farmers were required to till a certain acreage of land.
    • Rationing of food, clothing, and fuel was introduced to combat the shortages. This limited the amount of goods a person could use.
  • Fuel Shortages and Glimmer men:
    • As electricity and petrol were in short supply, the government introduced glimmer men, who were government inspectors coming house to house to ensure resources weren't overused.
    • If resources were overused, you could be cut off of the resource or be prosecuted in court.