Alex II/iii- Economic reform and development

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  • Economy - Crimean War
    • Russia lagged in industrial and technical capacity
    • Upcoming powers were Germany, France, Britain and US
    • Agriculture was at mercy of climate - no reserves
    • Food needed to fuel people working in factories
    • Untapped resources
    • Poor infrastructure and communication
    • Serf economy inhibited economic development as no incentive
    • No internal markets as money wasn’t main form of payment
    • No capital accumulation due to this
  • What was in place under Alex II - Industrialistion?
    • State run factories making military equipment by serfs
    • Domestic raft based industry - Produced at home - Hand to mouth - Weaving, spinning & carving
    • Artels - Home with attached workshop - Blacksmiths, Tanners
    • Cotton Industry ( Large-Scale ) : Near St Petersburg
    • Sugar Industry ( Large - Scale ) : Sugar beet grown in green belt around Ukraine
  • Action Taken - Economy?
    Appoints finance ministers to promote modernisation
  • What was Alex II’s dilemma?
    He had no middle class to push the economy so it was all state ran
  • Who did Alex II appoint in 1862?

    Michail Von Reuters
  • What were the reforms under Von Reuters?
    • Reform the treasury
    • Abolish tax farming
    • Extending bank and credit facilities
    • Reduction of import duties
    • Introduce government subsidies to private entrepreneurs to develop railways
    • Encourage foreign investment
    • Set up joint stock companies
  • What were the treasury reforms?
    • New tax collection arrangements
    • Audited accounts
    • Setting budgets
    • Streamlined money and stopped the government haemorrhaging
  • What were the Tax farming reforms?
    • Removed the middle man so therefore more money for the treasury
    • Introduced indirect taxation on vodka and kerosene
  • What were the bank and credit reforms?
    • 1860 - state banks
    • 1862 - municipal banks
    • 1869 - savings banks introduced
    • People started making money that could be lent out to more entrepreneurs
  • Explain the reduction of import duties?
    • Russia required goods from abroad to stimulate their economy
    • Reducing import duties made goods cheaper and encouraged trade and purchase
  • Explain the government subsidies under Von Reuters 1860’s?
    • Opposite of tax
    • Incentive to develop transport
  • How did VR encourage foreign investment?
    • Through an annual dividend
  • Explain the set up of joint stock companies under VR
    • Passes new legislation to regulate joint stock companies meaning they’re much safer for investors
    • Therefore increasing investment through removal of risk
  • Positive Results of VR’s reforms
    • Annual growth rate of 6%
    • Oil extraction in Bacu
    • Iron from Donetsk
    • Nobel brothers invited to support oil industry
    • Hughes set up steel and iron works in Yuzovka
    • Textiles remained dominant industry though - not as good as potential
  • Negative results of VR reforms
    • Economy still comparatively weak to Britain
    • 1/3 state expenditure on foreign debt - not expansive
    • Rouble still wild variations in value as people still nervous to invest in weak economy
    • Emancipation didnt have anticipated results - most peasants stayed on farms - no economic growth
    • Not enough tax
    • 66% gov revenue came from indirect taxation - prices rise - peasants become poorer - less expenditure in goods
    • Reduction of import duties was short term and rose so affected factories
    • Domestic market remained small
  • What did he implement between 1887 - 1892?
    • Tariff of 30% on value of raw materials imported - made foreign goods expensive so domestic cheaper which increases demand
    • Increase foreign investment - negotiated loans particularly from french
    • Exported lots of grain to balance budget and go into surplus
    • Major investment in railways - remarkable achievement with grand expansion of lines
  • What happened to Vyshnegradsky?
    He was sacked
  • What were the results of vyshnegradskys endeavours?
    • Major famine from 1891 - 1892
    • Didn’t save grain
    • 17/39 provinces saw famine
    • Typhoid and cholera became prevalent
    • People were too weak to fight
    • Over 350,000 people died as a result