2 markers

Cards (11)

  • broadsheet
    -larger and 'broad' newspapers in dimension
    - content focuses on more serious stories informal lexis, often national and international affairs
    -> eg. the times
  • convergence
    -coming together of previously separate media industries/platforms
    - often the result of advances in tech where one device/platform has diff features
    -> eg. mobile phone can be used for messaging, calling or listening to music
  • diversification
    where media orgs who have specialised in producing media products in one form move into producing content across a range of forms
  • hegemony
    - derives from Gramsci (YAYYY SOCIOLOGY -_-)
    -dominance of one group over another, often supported by legitimating norms and ideas
    -> eg. dominant social position in society is taken by men over women
  • horizontal integration
    - media conglomerate is made up of diff companies that produce & sell similar products, often bc of mergers
    -> eg. a company with interests in film, tv and newspapers
  • independent film
    - a film made outside of financial and artistic control of a large mainstream film company
    - if truly indie, it is privately conceived & funded but this is rare
    - therefore commonly refers to a film made by a smaller film company on a low budget
    -> eg. A24 or Sixteen Films
  • media conglomerate
    - company that owns other companies across a range of media platforms
    - increases their domination of the market and their ability to distribute their product
    -> eg. Disney
  • mediation
    - the way in which a media text is constructed in order to represent a version of reality
    - constructed through selection, organisation and focus
  • synergy
    -combination of elements to maximise profits within a media organisation or product
    -> eg. a film soundtrack sells the film and the film sells the soundtrack
  • tabloid
    - dimensions of a newspaper; smaller and more compact
    - content focuses on lighter news with informal lexis, like celeb gossip
    -> eg. the daily mirror
  • vertical integration
    - companies that own all or most of the chain of production & distribution for a product
    -> eg. a film company that also owns a chain of cinemas to exhibit the film