
Cards (56)

  • when we breathe in and out we ventilate our lungs with air
  • respiration is a crucial chemical reaction which has to take place in every cell to release energy
  • breathing gets oxygen into our bloodstream and gets rid of carbon dioxide. this ventilation is called inhalation
  • glucose + oxygen ---> energy +carbon dioxide + water
  • glucose is chemically smouldered with oxygen in the mitochondria within the cytoplasm
  • the energy released in respiration is used to:
    allow muscles to move
    pump important chemicals in and out of cells
    transmit impulses along nerve cells
    make new cells
    keep cells warm
  • carbon dioxide is toxic so cells have to expel this molecule instantaneously before it kills them
  • respiration takes place in plant cells 24/7
  • respiration takes place in animal cells 24/7
  • photosynthesis takes place in plant cells only when light is available
  • photosynthesis never takes place in animal cells
  • the air we breathe in is called atmospheric or inhaled air
  • the air we breathe out is called exhaled or expired air
  • nitrogen- difference in exhaled sir compared to atmospheric air- no change because nitrogen is not used or produced
  • oxygen - difference in exhaled air compared to atmospheric air- decrease in exhlaled air because oxygen is used by cells
  • carbon dioxide - difference in exhaled air compared to atmospheric air - increase in exhaled air because carbon dioxide is produced by cells
  • water vapour - difference in exhaled air compared to atmospheric air - increase in exhaled air because water is produced by cells
  • nitrogen in inhaled air = 78
    exhaled air = 78
  • oxygen in inhaled air = 21
    exhaled air = 16
  • carbon dioxide in inhaled air = 0.03
    exhaled air = 4
  • water vapour in inhaled air = variable
    exhaled air = always high
  • when i blew into indicator it changed from colourless to cloudy. this shows that i exhale the gas carbon dioxide. my cells produce this gas as a waste product when they carry out the process of respiration
  • limewater (colour - milky) detects an increase in carbon dioxide
  • hydrogen carbonate indicator (berry red- yellow) detects an increase in carbon dioxide
  • cobalt chloride paper (blue - pink) detects water molecules
  • lime water = colourless + CO2 ---> cloudy
  • hydrogen carbonate indicator = berry red + CO2 ---> yellow
  • cobalt chloride paper = blue + H20 ---> pink
  • we breathe by changing the size of our chest cavity using out diaphragm and intercostal muscles
  • the bell jar model of the thorax;
    bell jar represents rib cage
    air space represents chest cavity
    glass tube represents trachea
    balloons represent lungs
    rubber sheet represents diaphragm
  • bell jar model of thorax=
    large volume = small pressure
    small volume = large pressure
  • intercostal muscles (inhaling) contract pulling the ribcage up and out
  • intercostal muscles (exhaling) relax causing the ribcage to fall down and in
  • diaphragm (inhaling) contracts pulling diaphragm flat
  • diaphragm (exhlaing) relaxes returning it to a dome shape
  • thorax volume (inhaling) increases
  • thorax volume (exhaling) decreases
  • thorax pressure (inhaling) increases
  • thorax pressure (exhaling) increases
  • air flow (inhaling) air sucked into lungs