the anti-comintern alliance wasnt good for poland as it inferred that germany was consodering a direct challenge to russian authority possibly through invasion and it was only poland sperating them
hitler was developing his lebensraum policy so poland and czechoslovakia were targeted to become german territory and provide extra living space for the germen population
the 1938 anchluss of austria suggested that it wouldnt take much for the nazis to target czechoslovakia and then poland
stalins purges and antiappeasment attitude cut off the british and french meaning russia would be left alone to defend poland
russian exclusion from the munich peace confrence confirmed that the soviet union might be left on its own to deal with the nazi threat
the signing of the nazi-sovietnon-aggressionpact in august1939 was the announcement to poland by russian leadership that the soviet union wouldnt interefere in any attempt by germany to invade poland
when germany invaded poland on 1st spetember 1939 russia took some steps to protect its borders