Redox reactions

Cards (13)

  • Oxidation
    Gain of electrons
  • Reduction
    Loss of electrons
  • If Electrons are Transferred, It's a Redox Reaction
  • Oxidation
    Addition of oxygen (or a reaction with H)
  • Reduction
    Removal of oxygen
  • Reduction and Oxidation happen at the same time - hence the term "REDOX"
  • Displacement Reactions are Redox Reactions
  • Displacement reactions
    • A more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from a compound
  • Displacement reactions
    1. A more reactive metal replaces the less reactive metal in a compound
    2. The more reactive metal is oxidised
    3. The less reactive metal is reduced
  • Ionic equations show just the useful bits of reactions
  • Ionic equations only show the particles that react and the products they form
  • Ionic equations concentrate on the species that are oxidised and reduced
  • Ionic equations are hugely important in chemistry