Dream analysis

Cards (14)

  • Wish fulfilment
    Dreams are the unconscious fulfilment of wishes that could not be satisfied in the conscious mind
    Dreams only occur when the unconscious mind desires are repressed by the ego or superego and governed by the id
    Dreams protect the sleeper(primary-process thought) and allow expression to buried urges
  • Symbolic nature of dreams
    Dreams content is expressed symbolically
    Real meaning of the dream(latent content) transformed into a more harmless form(manifest content)
    Eg- Penis into snake Vagina into a cave
    Not everything is symbolic sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
  • Dreamwork
    process of latent content transforming into manifest content
  • Dreamwork Condensation
    detailed images are condensed to brief images,one image stands fir several associations
  • Dreamwork Displacement
    emotional significance of a dream object is separated from its real object and connected to a different one,dream content isnt censored
  • Dreamwork Reprensentation
    thought is translated into a visual image
  • Dream work Symbolism

    symbol replaces a person,idea or action
  • Dream work Secondary elaboration
    unconscious mind collects all the different images and ties them together to form a logic story,disguising latent content
  • Role of the therapist
    reverse the dreamwork process
    Decode the manifest content back into latent content
    consider the context of clients life when offering interpretations
    More than 1 interpretation,client picks the one that makes most sense to them
  • Evaluation effectiveness
    Research support
    link between dreaming and primary process thinking
    Solms - PET scans to highlight regions of the brain that are active during dreaming.
    Rational part of the brain is inactive during REM centres involved in memory and motivation are active
    Ego is suspended,id is given free rein
    Hopfield et al -neural networks-computer stimulations that aim to mimic the action of the brain
    Neural networks deal with overload by condensing
  • Evaluation Effectiveness
    Methodological issues
    Research on dreaming is conducted in a lab,questions the authenticity of sleep
    Low ecological validity
    pps with deprived sleep or particular stages
    disruption will impair biological functions
    Confounding variable
  • Evaluation Effectiveness

    Subjective interpretation
    interpreting manifest content and its underlying meanings relies on the subjective interpretation of the therapist,not reliable
    Goes against the objective aims of psychology
  • Evaluation Ethical issue
    therapist-client relationship
    Power imbalance between therapist and client
    Therapist=expert role,offering patient insight into unconscious
    Client=relies on the therapist to make progress
    over dependence on the therapist
  • Evaluation Ethical issue
    False memory syndrome(FMS)
    perons identity and relationships are affected by strongly believed but false memories of traumatic experiences
    False memories can appear when therapist claims to have uncovered past,traumatic events
    Patient is likely to believe the therapist,seen as authoritive figure