Viral Reproduction

Cards (3)

    • Once the virus is inside the host cell, two different processes can occur
    • Lytic Infection & Lysogenic Infection
  • Lytic Infection
    • Viral DNA attaches to the host cell & makes the host cell replicate the viral DNA & RNA
    • Host cell's ribosomes make protein capsids
    • Viruses are made in the cell & break open (lyse) the cell to release the virus and the cell is destroyed
  • Lysogenic Infection
    • viral genome enters host cell but doesn't replicate and kill the host cell immediately
    • The virus integrates its DNA into the host cell DNA
    • When the cell replicates - viral DNA is copied
    • Viral genome may be dormant in host cell for a long time
    • Lysogenic infections can become lytic with external stresses such as stress, colds, poor nutrition, and other infections