Cards (29)

  • Monotheism, Allah, Muhammad (pbuh), Qur'an meanings

    Monotheism: Believing in one God

    Allah: The word for God in Islam

    Muhammad: The final "prophet" of Islam, Allah's messenger to humans

    Qur'an: Holy book in Islam.
  • Prophets of Islam:
    Allah's most important revelations was revealed to Isa (Jesus). This focused on the oneness of Allha and how people should behave. Jesus is a prophet of God, rather than the Son of God.
  • Prophet of Mahammad
    Allah's final revelation. Muhammad lived at a time when people were worshipping multiple idols, rather just Allah. Muhammad had gone into a cave to think deeply about life and the angel Jibril appeared and told him he was chosen by Allah t be the final prophet. Over a period of time, the Angel Jibril revealed Allah's message to the Prophet Muhammad. He wrote this down and it became the Qur'an.
  • What is the 5 pillars of Islam
    5 things a Muslim must fulfil in order to live a good and responsible life. These are supposed to be linked with a Muslims life to keep Allah at the centre of their minds.
  • What is the meaning of Shahadah, one of the 5 pillars of Islam?
    An important declaration that Muslims say frequently. It is often recited in prayers.
    It's whispered into a baby's ears at birth so it's the first words they hear.
    Muslims also aim for it to be the last thing they say or hear before death.
  • What is the meaning of Salat, one of the 5 pillars of Islam?
    Muslims pray 5x aday so they can focus on Allah more.
    Before they pray, they do a washing ritual so that they are clean, they wash faces, hands and feet under running water. Then they face the Mecca using a compass.
  • What is the meaning of Zakat, one of the 5 pillars of Islam?
    Compulsory of giving 2.5% of a muslim's wealth to charity. Muslims believe wealth is a loan from Allah, so they should not be greedy.
  • What is the meaning of Sawm, one of the 5 pillars of Islam?

    The obligation on fasting between sunrise and sunset during the month of Ramadan.
  • What is the meaning of Hajj, one of the 5 pillars of Islam?

    A pilgrimage to Mecca which all muslims must attend if they are able to.
  • Sources of truth in Islam
    They believe that Allah will reveal truth to humans in different ways.

    Prophet: Someone chosen by God to hear and communicate God's message on earth.

    Revelation: An act of a God(s) revealing or communicating a divine truth to humans
  • Define stakeholders
    A stakeholder is anyone who is impacted by the decisions a business makes and how successful it is.
  • Examples of stakeholders (6)
    Employees: Businesses that supply a business with a product or service that they need in order to operate, like packaging, electricity.

    Customers: People who live near a business

    Suppliers: Sometimes big businesses can have an impact on society as a whole like supermarkets, large fashion retailers

    Local community: Decisions can also impact on society as a whole. Be environmentally friendly as possible is what some businesses are aiming to.

    Society: People employed by the business, like factory works, cleaners

    Environment: People who purchase the products.
  • Define exploitation
    Treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
  • Exploitation of employees
    - Paying employees too little (below minimum wage)
    - Making employees work very long
    -Reducing breaks and working conditions for employees
    -Employing children somewhere in the supply chain
  • Define corporate social responsibility
    The idea that businesses should be completely responsible for the impact they have on people and environment. CSR is morally good and has a positive impact on businesses' profits.
  • What do businesses that focus on CRS do?
    Businesses that focus on CSR will develop strategies to lessen the negative impact on people or the environment.
  • Examples of corporate social responsibility
    - Toilet issue brand Velvet has planted more than 5 million trees
    - Tony roadmap produce chocolate with slave free
    - Lush is fighting against animal testing and 100% vegetarian
  • Define atheist, theist and agnostic
    Atheist: Someone who does not believe in God.
    Theist: Someone who believes in God.
    Agnostic: Someone who is not sure whether there is a God.
  • Arguments for the existence of God (including the First Cause argument, the Design Argument and religious experience)
    - "Design argument" (Analogy) shows that if you stumble across a watch, you wouldn't think it's made my chance, because everything just works so well that it would be impossible. Earth is also this concept, it must be made by God.
    - "The First Cause Argument" shows that if you go back enough from today, you will realise that God must be at the end of everything because he is internal. The universe must caused by something outside of the universe that exists, so it's God.
    - "Religious experiences" show that even though you might not see God in real time, you can have experiences like feeling God in nature, having visions of God talking to you directly, reading a Holy Book.
  • Arguments against the existence of God - the problem of evil and suffering.
    -"Big Bang Theory" shows that the universe expanded from an explosion in this single point.
    - "The inconsistent triad" shows that God doesn't exist because there are sufferings and it is said that God is all loving. There are wars, people dying, and it doesn't make sense.
  • EXAMPLES Argument, and against.

    "The inconsistent triad" shows that God doesn't exist because there are sufferings and it is said that God is all loving. There are wars, people dying, and it doesn't make sense.


    Though some people may disagree with me by arguing that "God allows evil and suffering to teach people develop kindness, patience etc. without suffering, we can't develop those qualities"

    God allows it to test people's faith to see if they believe in God. If they trust in God while suffering, they will have a better reincarnation.

    Evil and suffering is necessary because God gave us free will. As a result, some people choose to do bad things which cause suffering. However, God also gave us free will to do good things so we can prove if we are worthy of an afterlife.
  • Methods of "proving" something to be true from sense experience
    Proving something to be true or false through experience means you use your sense experience (or someone else's) to establish whether something is true.

    E.g "It is snowing outside" "Grass is green"
  • Methods of "proving" something to be true from external authority

    Proving something to be true of false through experience means relying on evidence from someone else.

    This could be directly from them, or from another source like a book.

    E.g "Henry VIII had 6 wives" "My mom went to Paris when she was 10"
  • Methods of "proving" something to be true from reasoning logically working out if something is true, without external experience.
    Proving something to be true of false through reasoning can work in many different ways.

    E.g "If I am thinking, I exist." "Any three sided shape must have interior angles adding to 180 degrees"
  • Empiricism vs Rationalism
    Empiricism: Best way of gaining knowledge is through experience and observation.

    Rationalism: Best way of gaining knowledge is through our use of reason and logic.
  • Scientific truth
    Observation by testing repeatedly and is conditional. If we get new info, scientific truth might change.
  • Religious Truth
    Comes from Holy books and said to be spoken by God. You cannot change these truths.
  • Define post-truth:

    When facts are less important in shaping a person's opinion than their emotions or personal beliefs.
  • Define fake news:
    False stories that are spread widely through the media (usually online) created to influence people politically or for entertainment.