
Cards (12)

  • Proportions of useful products are sustainable, as they measure the proportions of things that are not useful
  • Calculating proportions of useful products
    1. Fuct
    2. Co x 100
  • Oxygen, and hydrogen are gases at room temperature
  • The volume of 0.25 mol of a gas is 24 dm3
  • Concentration of solution
    Moles of solute / Volume of solution (dm3)
  • You can use the formula and mass-moles M, to calculate the mass of solute dissolved in a solution
  • Greater mass of solute in solution
    Greater number of moles of solute, and therefore greater concentration
  • Same number of moles of solute dissolved in smaller volume of solution

    Concentration will be greater
  • Titration
    1. Extract known volume of solution with unknown concentration
    2. Add solution to conical flask
    3. Add indicator
    4. Add solution with known concentration from burette
    5. Find end point when indicator changes colour
    6. Repeat to get concordant titres
    7. Calculate concentration using balanced equation and titration results
  • A titre is the volume of solution that you have added from your burette
  • Concordant means that the titres are within 0.1 cm3 of each other
  • Mean of concordant results
    Sum of the concordant results / Number of concordant results