
Cards (46)

  • Logical connectives
    Symbols, words used to combine propositions
  • 1+1=1, 1+0=0
  • Conditional
    If then
  • At least 1=1
  • Biconditional
    If and only if
  • Both T/F=1
  • Proposition
    Statements that can be either true or false
  • Types of propositions
    • Atomic proposition
    • Compound proposition
  • Atomic proposition
    Statement that's either true or false and denoted by variables (p,q,r). Single statement, indivisible.
  • Compound proposition
    Combination of one or more atomic propositions with the help of connectives
  • Conditional statement (implication) can also be denoted as ⇒
  • Number of rows in a truth table is 2^n, where n is the number of variables
  • Rows in a truth table represent all possible combinations of true and false values
  • A disjunctive proposition presents alternatives, indicating that at least one of the options is true.
  • A hypothetical proposition expresses a conditional relationship, typically using an "if-then" structure.
  • A proposition is an expression that can be true or false
  • The truth value of a proposition depends on the world it's evaluated in
  • Propositional logic deals with statements, not objects
  • Propositional logic deals with propositions, their truth values, and how they relate to one another
  • The negation operator changes the value of a proposition from true to false or vice versa.
  • Disjunction represents an inclusive OR operation, meaning both options may be true simultaneously.
  • Conjunction combines two or more statements into a single compound proposition.
  • The negation operator changes the truth value of a proposition from true to false or vice versa.
  • An existential proposition affirms the existence of something, often expressed through quantifiers such as "there exists."
  • The negation of a proposition is formed by adding the word 'not' to it
  • A universal proposition makes a general claim about everything within its scope, usually indicated by phrases like "for all" or "everything."
  • We can combine these symbols into more complex expressions called formulas
  • Formulas are built up from atomic propositions by applying logical connectives like conjunction (∧), disjunction (∨), negation (¬)
  • We use connectives to combine propositions into more complex expressions
  • Conditional (→) represents a material implication between two propositions, where if the first proposition is true then the second proposition must also be true.
  • Disjunction (∨) combines two propositions into a single compound proposition whose truth value is determined by at least one component proposition being true.
  • Conjunction (∧) combines two propositions into a single compound proposition whose truth value is determined by both component propositions being true.
  • Connectives are used to create new propositions from existing ones
  • In propositional logic, we use symbols (propositional variables) to represent propositions
  • Compound propositions are formed by combining simpler propositions with logical connectives such as conjunction (∧), disjunction (∨), negation (¬)
  • In propositional logic, we use symbols to stand for propositions
  • Implication represents a conditional statement, where if the first condition is true, then the second condition must also be true.
  • Conditional is used when there are two propositions that have some sort of relationship between them.
  • Conjunction represents an AND operation, where all conditions must be met for the statement to be true.
  • Equivalence represents two expressions being equivalent, meaning they have the same truth value.