1.3.9 factors considered by judges in sentencing

Cards (6)

  • sanctions nees to be proportionate and appropriate to the offending
  • sentencing factors judges will take into account
    • current snetencing practises
    • the maximum penally for the offence
    • personal circumstances of victims
    • aggravating factors
    • mitigating factors
  • aggravating factors are factors that increase the seriousness of the offence and the offenders culpability
  • mitigaitng factors are factors that reduce the seirousness of an offence, or the offernders culpability
  • victim impact statements can persuade the court to increase offenders sentence if they signifcantly suffered.
  • early guilty plea
    • if an offender has pleaded guilty it might lessen their sentence
    • the earlier the plea the more likely it is to decrease sentence because it is saving time and resources