climate change

Cards (11)

  • managing climate change
    1. carbon capture
    2. alternative energy resources
    3. plant trees
    4. international agreement
  • carbon capture is where co2 released from burning fossil fuels is collected and compressed using technology then injected and piped underground however this is not yet economically viable
  • alternative energy is using sources like tidal and hydroelectric power
    1. 87% of co2 emissions comes from burning fossil fuels
    2. by 2020 the government wanted to have 15% renewable energy
  • trees are carbon sinks and release moisture which forms clouds and reflects incoming solar radiation
  • international agreements include 2015 paris agreement of tyng to stop wold temps breaking 1.5
  • adapting to climate change
    1. agriculture
    2. climate change
  • in agriculture people are adapting to things like crop resistant crops and irrigations systems to manage water for example in gambia they are using irrigation
  • rising sea level have risen 20cm since 1900 which can cause erosion and contaminated fresh waters , houses are built on stilts ad coastal walls being introduced also restoration of mangrove forests which trap sediments in their roots
  • environmental impacts
    1. adelie penguin extinct threat
    2. ice animals lose their habitats
  • social impacts
    1. food shortage
    2. skin cancer
  • economic impacts
    1. flooded shops
    2. decreased yield
    3. less tourism