Ground shaking caused by the sudden and rapid movement of one block of rock, slipping past another along fractures in Earth's crust called faults
An unpredictable event in which masses of rock shift below earth's surface, releasing enormous amounts of energy and sending out shock waves that sometimes cause the ground to shake dramatically
Hypocenter/Focus – location where slippage begins
Faults – fractures along the earth's crust
Epicenter - the point on earth's surface directly above the hypocenter
Seismicwaves – a form of energy that causes the materials that transmit them to shake
Earthquakes of lesser magnitude that follow stronger earthquakes, which are the result of crust along the fault surface adjusting to the displacement caused by the main shock
According to USGS, around 60 aftershocks of magnitudes 4.5 – 5.9 followed the major Haitian earthquake in 2010
Aftershocks often trigger the destruction of already weakened structures
Small earthquakes hat precede major earthquakes, usually by days or in some cases, by several years
Unlike aftershocks, foreshocks are not often monitored and prediction to major earthquakes resulted only to limited successes
Associated by divergentplateboundaries, mainly seafloor spreading centers and continental rifting
Reverse Faults
Associated with subduction zones and continental collisions
Strike-slip Faults
May form transform plate boundaries
The study of earthquake waves
Seismology dates back in ancient China almost 2500 years ago to determine the direction from which these waves originated
Seismographor Seismometer
The instrument used to record earthquakes
In a generalized earthquake observation, two types of seismographs are used: Horizontal seismograph and Vertical seismograph
The records obtained from seismographs
Reveals two main types of surfacewaves generated by the slippage of a rock mass: Surfacewaves and Bodywaves
Seismic waves that travel through the earth's interior
Body Waves
There are two types: Primary waves and Secondary waves
Primary waves (P-waves)
The "push and pull" waves, they momentarily push (compress) and pull (stretch) rocks in the direction of their movement
Secondary waves (S-waves)
"Shake" the particles at right angles to their direction of travel
Waves that travels in the rock layers just below earth's surface
Surface Waves
There are two types: Rayleigh waves and Love waves
Rayleigh waves
Cause the material and anything resting upon it to move in ellipses in planes normal to the surface and parallel to the direction of propagation
Love waves
Cause earth's materials to move side to side, particularly damaging to the foundations of structures
Earthquake Intensity
The measure of the amount of ground shaking at a particular location, based on observed property damage
ModifiedMercalliIntensity (MMI) scale
Developed by Italian Giuseppe Mercalli in 1902 using California building standards
Relies on data gathered from seismic records to estimate the amount of energy released at an earthquake's source
Types of magnitude scales
RichterMagnitude Scale
MomentMagnitude Scale
Calculated by measuring the amplitude of the largest seismic wave (usually an S or surface wave) recorded on a seismogram. Developed by Charles Richter in 1935 of the California Institute of Technology
Measures the total energy released during an earthquake. Calculated by determining the average amount of slip on the fault, the area of the fault surface that slopped, and the strength of the faulted rock
Earthquake Hazards
wave and surface waves mainly causes horizontal damaging motion
How to reduce effects of ground shaking
Buildingcodes - First defense against earthquake damage, reduce damage and loss of life
Seismiczoning - Particular regions exist with different horizontal acceleration due to soil properties, base shear acceleration is expressed as a percentage of the acceleration due to gravity, a fraction of g in horizontal direction causes the buildings to separate from their foundations
Seismicjoints and framestofoundation - Diagonal bracing and blocking provides shear resistance, bolting frames help to mitigate shearing force damage, L-shaped structures reduce damage at the joint
Hundred of _____ may be triggered by an earthquake in a slide-prone area
Caused by ruptured gas lines or fallen electric power lines, water mains may also break due to earthquake, thus the difficulty accessing fire-fighting equipment
Cutting off supply line immediately after an earthquake
Large ocean waves occasionally set in motion by major undersea earthquake events
Tsunami came from the Japanese word for "harborwave"
Often mistaken to consist of moving water, but energy from a nearby tectonicactivity or submarinelandslide