CB4d - Breeds and varieties

Cards (10)

  • Artificial selection is when people choose organisms with certain characteristics and only use those for breeding.
  • A breed is a group of animals in the same species that have characteristics that make them different to other members of the species.
  • Disease resistance is being unaffected or less affected by a certain disease.
  • A gene is a section of DNA found in a chromosome which often contains instruction for a protein.
  • Genetic engineering is altering the genome of an organism, often by adding genes from another species.
  • Genetic engineering is also known as genetic modification.
  • A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism that has been produced using genetic engineering.
  • Selective breeding is when humans choose an organism that has a certain characteristic and then breed more of these organisms to make the chosen characteristic more and more obvious.
  • Variety is when a group of plants of the same species have characteristics that make them different to other members of the species.
  • Yield is the amount of useful product that you can get from something.