
Cards (10)

  • Meaningful identifiers are unique identifiers that are meaningful to the organization and its users.
  • Text boxes are used for both input and output.
  • Predefined Function: Round, rounds a value to however many decimal points or significant figures are required
  • Clear button is a useful feature that clears all outputs during the execution of a program.
  • An exit button is a button that allows the user to leave the program and return to the desktop.
  • Message Boxes are used to display messages to the user.
  • Predefined Function: Length. this assigns a number totaling all the characters symbols spaces and letters in the string
  • Input Validation is used to ensure the allowance of data that has met the pre-requisites
  • Iteration and repetition using conditional loops repeats lines of code until a condition is met.
  • Until loops repeat code until a condition is met