disaccharides - two monosaccharides joined together
properties = sweet, soluble in water, form crystals
condensation reaction - water is made and two monomers are joined
hydrolysis - the breaking of a bond using water
polysaccharides - repeating monomers of monosaccharides, contains glycosidic bonds
glycosidic bond - between two sugars
properties of polysaccharides
insoluble in water
not sweet
can't be crystallised
found in plants
a glucose molecules
made from amylose and amylopectin
1,4 glycosidic bonds
spiral shape
a glucose
1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds
spiral shape
functions of starch
insoluble - does not affect water potential
branched - glucose can be quickly released by enzymes
compact - good storage molecule
a glucose
1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds
more compact than amylopectin
functions of glycogen
insoluble in water - does not affect water potential
branched - glucose can be released quickly for respiration
compact - good energy store
cellulose -
unbranched, straight chain
bglucose molecules rotate 180
1,4 glycosidic bonds
held together by hydrogen bonds forming fibres (microfibrils)
microfibrils join to form macrofibrils
macrofibrils join to form fibres
fibres criss cross to provide extra strength
functions of cellulose
cell walls - microfibrils have a very high tensile strength due to glycosidic bonds, preventing bursting when turgid. Spaces between the fibres allow the membrane to be fully permeable
fibre - cellulose forms the fibre in our diets and is needed to help maintain a healthy digestive system
starch test
add a couple of drops of iodine to the test sample
starch present = blue/black
no starch = remain brown
reducing sugars test - all monosaccharides, maltose and lactose
add Benedict's solution
heat in a water bath for 3 mins
glucose = brick red precipitate, may also be present if solution is blue,green
allows for a qualitative comparison
non reducing sugar - sucrose
add hydrochloric acid and boil in water bath
cool tube and add an alkali (sodium hydrogen), test with universal indicator
repeat Benedict's again
reagent strips - a strip is dipped into the solution and then compared to the colour it changes to within the calibration chart provided, allow for a quantitative measure
colorimetry - shine a light through a sample and measures how much light is transmitted, the more concentrated the less greater the absorbance by the solution and therefore less transmission
biosensors - uses a biologicalmolecule to detect a chemical and convert it to an electrical signal, acts as a transducer
serial dilution allows you to make a wider range of concentrations more accurately than a standard dilution
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
soluble in organic solvents
can be: triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol
function of lipids
structural - phospholipid bilayer
thermal insulation - reduce heat loss
electrical insulation - myelin sheath
protection of organs
structure of triglycerides
one glycerol
3 fatty acids
ester bond
glycerol structure - alcohol with 3 carbons and 3 OH groups
fatty acid structure
carboxyl group: COOH
hydrocarbon tail
either saturated - no carbon double bonds, unsaturated - carbon double bonds leading to kinks, kinks reduces the melting point