Chap 10: Social Thinking

Cards (9)

  • Self-Disclosure is the sharing of one's fears, thoughts, and goals with another person and being met with a nonjudgemental empathy.
  • Reciprocal liking is the phenomenon whereby people like others better when they believe the other person likes them.
  • Proximity is being physically close to someone.
  • Mere exposure effect is the tendency for people to prefer stimuli that they have been exposed to more frequently.
  • Aggression is a behavior that intends to cause harm or increase social dominance.
  • Components of social perception: perceiver, target, and the situation.
  • The perceiver is influenced by experience, motives, and emotional state.
  • The target refers to the person about which the perception is made.
  • Attribution theory described how individuals infer the causes of other people's behavior.