Any gene-regulating activity that doesn't involve changes to the DNA code. The gene expression changes but the genes themselves don't. Epigenetics adds an additional level of complexity to the genetic code. Can persist through one or more generations. The science that studies heritable changes of DNA not involving changes in DNA sequence that regulate gene expression.
Epigenetics is the addition or deletion of a CH3 group to a DNA base, turning the gene on or off, or to packaging of the chromatin structure by silencing or opening regions of the genome by winding or unwinding the DNA around histones
An epigenetic mechanism that occurs by the addition of a methyl (CH3) group to DNA, thereby often modifying the function of the genes and affecting gene expression
The most widely characterized DNA methylation process is the covalent addition of the methyl group at the 5-carbon of the cytosine ring resulting in 5-methylcytosine (5-mC), also informally known as the "fifth base" of DNA
Errors in the epigenetic process, such as modifying the wrong gene or failing to add a compound to a gene, can lead to abnormal gene activity or inactivity, and cause genetic disorders
A reversible form of gene inactivation and is not considered a mutation. The ability of a gene to be expressed depends upon the sex of the parent who passed on the gene.
Genomic imprinting affects gene expression by chemically modifying DNA and/or altering the chromatin structure. Often, genomic imprinting results in a gene being expressed only in the chromosome inherited from one or the other parent.
Increased risk of glucose intolerance, coronary heart disease, obesity, schizophrenia, breast cancer, and drug addiction in individuals conceived during the famine
Audrey Hepburn suffered from jaundice, anemia, respiratory problems and chronic blood disorders due to food deprivation during the Dutch Hunger Winter, which may have led to her slim figure and health problems later in life
Epigenetics provides strange patterns of inheritance such as genomic imprinting, the yellow/agouti Avy mouse, and the all-female tortoiseshell (Calico cats)
The reason for the prohibition on marriages between close blood relatives in the Family Code is that such marriages usually result in degenerate children with organic defects